Us Doris be mad fer znow. Er thinks tis zensible ter goo up ont moors in that well-known 4x4 the Peugeot Bipper. Uz boys do think er be chuffin mad and just zits yer waiting fer phone call.

Drove home from East-the-Water to Lunnen in a Škoda Fabia in a blizzard one year ... good little skinny tyres cutting through fresh snow ... ansome it wer ....
Good evening from Doncaster.

so I waved at all landrovers near Aylesbury none were @My Old Landy

hooted my horn a few times round Enfield &
Did not see @Dippypud either. Drove past Wembley .now up north.
Had hail,sleet & snow on the way up. Heater on tonight then
I was in Abingdon by 6:00 this morning :) I followed a few big rigs up the A34 though!
Ah just bin worchin dog the bounty bar unta whyl chargin me pro go oft me wurks lap top battree.

Bobbin trainin be easy this mornin. Tub un pro go oot then went int side. 2 quick visits. Ah bobbin wur churpin int tree layter ont.

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