It wur raynin er small ermount this mownin so ah put wurms darn un went intside. Ah cud ear me bobbun churpin but not sea im. Lookerin oot french winda me blackburd appeared ut edge of patio an bobbin cum oot from unda is hydin bush. Blackburd were wotchin me. Bobbin anorl. Blackburd had a go ut gerrin erbit closa then bobbin flowd int ferra wurm un oft rand me garig. Eye be guessin he be ofta is nest bush. Blackburd then got some un went as ah fink e wur spookd. Bobbin wur ont his fence. Flowd darn ferra nuvva un oft ergen. Ah then wenta wurk.
Me noo battery boost starter as arrived an is charging up. Tis a tiny thing, not much bigger than the telly buttons. An its dead modern, got a USB socket for charging (whatever a USB is). Ain't modern teck nolergy wonderful? An I blagged SWMBO to buy it for me birfday in advance. :).

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