Sounds like yer cudda switched it oft and pushed it quicker

Yup, except up the hills :)
It's disappointing how little it takes to completely fonk up the roads round here.
To make matters worse they're putting a lot of new housing on farmland serviced by little more than a tarmaced lane (one of my alternate routes). Everything seems on the edge of collapse..
Grump grumpety grump grump..
Reckon they might do better in the Smoke?
Gonna have to blow the dust off me motibyke at this rate.
I used to have a daily drive in and out of that Lunnen for many years. Soul destroying. Until I bought me mobike. Changed my outlook completely, instead of getting out of bed for a daily drudge drive I was getting up earlier to go for a ride on me bike. Cut the journey time down dramatically and got to work in a far better mood to start the working day. But saw many horrible accidents on bikers over the years including a few dead uns. Yer takes yer chances -----. Bikers are so hard to see when they are filtering through from behind - whether you are in a car or on a bike they are mostly invisible.
Morning all. :D
I've been shouted at already, so the day is off to a good start. :(
Apparently, leaving the BBQ open for the rain to get in is a hanging offence (who Knew?).
Never mind that I was on my hands and knees all PM fitting scotia edging trim to the ruddy flooring/skirting junction.
Never mind that I cook 80% of my own meals and do all my own clearing up so she doesn't wait on me hand and foot. Women! Grrrrrr.
Morning all. :D
I've been shouted at already, so the day is off to a good start. :(
Apparently, leaving the BBQ open for the rain to get in is a hanging offence (who Knew?).
Never mind that I was on my hands and knees all PM fitting scotia edging trim to the ruddy flooring/skirting junction.
Never mind that I cook 80% of my own meals and do all my own clearing up so she doesn't wait on me hand and foot. Women! Grrrrrr.
I have this to come I think :) I am taking early retirement in 47 weeks and I expect the same will happen lol
Mornin all. It ev bin wet doan yer anorl, us boys be glad fer decent roof ont shed. River be high, not a gude time to be workin a cocker spannel, they little feckers be little more than electric ferrets, surprising wot them can do tho. Stay safe frens.
Eye be ear anorl. Seen me bobbin int garden ergain. Eye be washed oot me burd baf un fillerin it un he flu terwards me meal wurn. They be ont floor by me but turned erway. When said fillin were stopped eye moved terwards the ouse. Ma bobbin flu arf way terwards said meal wurn. Then fluttered er bit more. Then hovered round em ont floor then took some un flowed oft ter under his bush. He returned ferra nuvva wurm onner quick dash then went back. Eye walked darn garden un seen somefink grey move under me fence. Eye were hoping it wurra a baby elephent. It proberbly be er squwiggle or moose. When eye were darn garden un coming back me bobbin were at me meal wurms so eye stopped ferra bit so he could feed. Eye beer fend of me bobbin.

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