I has a quiet street. Park one end, graveyard the other . Recent high winds dumped a load of leaves my end of the street (hairdryer looked like it was camouflaged) and now all the oldies are demandin all the trees that edge the park be cut back!
Never mind the dickies, never mind the bats, never mind the bloody footballs onna sundi. No! "I don't want leaves on me lawn". Clearin up leaves is the only thing that gives their lives purpose ffs ;)
They'll be applying to turn the wind oft next :rolleyes:
Sumtimes I think about early retirement, praps not...:(
Twots the lot of em. Ole peeps live ter moan. Normally erbout bin collections.
Eye has nearly bin with ovo energy ferra year. Eye has bin asked by thems ter picker new tarrif un eye as picked a two year one. Lectric be up un gas be down. Am gonner get meself sum gas bulbs fer lytin.

Eye as bin lookerin ut me gardin terday anorl. It be turned ortumnal wiv orange un red leafs. Some be ont trees un some be ont floor. It be lookerin quite nice. It be nice ter see the seasonal changes as they pass through. Me bobbin be still erbout. He hides more. Eye fink he knows there's er killer burd erbout un may have lost some friends because of it. Eye be still his friend.
Is it best ter leave me grass long over winder? When is the last time of year yer cut yours?
I wouldn't cut it again now but, if you live in a very mild, dry part of the country you might get away with a very light cut.
I had a laugh the other (early) morning when my young dog had gone out to resume his sleep in the cooler climes of the garden, as a robin came bobbing along to investigate the hairy monster that had just encroached on his patch. The robin hopped around the dog who just ignored it even though it was almost touching him! Eventually the robin just hopped away to see what else had invaded his territory.

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