Eye pays me council tax so eye is gonner get me monies wurf. Eye has bin happily raising reports of pot oles ont their web site. Also wite lines which have wored oot. Er wacked traffic lite un bollards that av bin knocked t'over. None of it be done by me.
Eye pays me council tax so eye is gonner get me monies wurf. Eye has bin happily raising reports of pot oles ont their web site. Also wite lines which have wored oot. Er wacked traffic lite un bollards that av bin knocked t'over. None of it be done by me.

I was working on integrating that "fixMyStreet" application in to a website for the council I worked for a few years ago and ended up on fixMyStreet Tiblisi by mistake. You should see the potholes there, you could lose a bus in them.
So, the myopic madrasan miscreant (don't you love a bit of alliterlizerin?) who rubbed my beautiful Cooper STT up the wrong way has not seen fit to contact me with is insurance details today... Funny that. :)
Good news. How can you be bored with a tratter that loves (nay, demnds!) your attention, hmmmm?

On that subject, or similar, I needs to learn to weld :)
Because when I am like this, my hands don't obey me and I can't grip anything :(
Shame you are so far away you could have come over and played with my welder :D
Nah, I am off sick but it's a bit boring so I thought I would go back :)

I was retired and they asked me back. Now in Malaga for a week of school before going home for 20hrs then off for a month.
To steal their money:D
It will probably confirm why I wanted to retire in the first place:)

They are now playing kin bingo in the hotel, I have to get up early for teacher so I am going to leave the experts to it

I has a quiet street. Park one end, graveyard the other . Recent high winds dumped a load of leaves my end of the street (hairdryer looked like it was camouflaged) and now all the oldies are demandin all the trees that edge the park be cut back!
Never mind the dickies, never mind the bats, never mind the bloody footballs onna sundi. No! "I don't want leaves on me lawn". Clearin up leaves is the only thing that gives their lives purpose ffs ;)
They'll be applying to turn the wind oft next :rolleyes:
Sumtimes I think about early retirement, praps not...:(

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