I certainly understand all of that but, as I said, we are well away from most of that! Thunder in the distance does cause alarm as does the distant tank fir on the ranges, but both of them are rare. I am trying to get both dogs to associate the aircraft noise to the actual planes in the sky. We get very few at low level except for the practising Jets who do seem to use our bungalow as the target! Even I duck when they come along!! Packaging materials seem to have escaped their attention but an annoying fly can cause havoc. At this time, it is heavy rain which seems to be the main target of their fear, yet the little one likes to run outside and sit in it!!!! Explain that if you can.:rolleyes:

I might be getting to deep in to psychoanalyzing my dog but I think my dog associates bubble wrap and packing tape with us moving house and her being shipped around by plane or boat in a crate.
I might be getting to deep in to psychoanalyzing my dog but I think my dog associates bubble wrap and packing tape with us moving house and her being shipped around by plane or boat in a crate.
I think that is more than possible. Mine get so excited and rush to be first in if I go to our motorhome which is parked within our own property, so they do seem to associate it with the pleasure going away to meet new dogs, people and places.:)
It must be literally pissing down in Ireland, they are warning of yellow rainfall :)

It be dark. It be raynin. Moke larms be fitterid. Spuds be eated. Choppin be dun. Ah fergettid me crumpits. Jelly un eye screen ferrafters. We be bombed ergen. It be like the bitz. If ah dun't make it to the mornin ah want ter be cremated with ma hippo. Nite.
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