Eye be leaving now. Lucky eye found me new timer int structions ont web. Eye bin playin around with them.
Eye was er sheep int chair storin meself until av eye gorrid news fer you be ont. And eye be woke'd by bombs. There be edge oggs ont telly eaterid slugs anorl.
I is nakkid, not to be confused wif havin no cloves ont. Tho I int. :p
I has written oft tmorra, rugby is ont, weather is oft, list is (currently) short.

Sweet dreams you tratterer lot, an Freelanderers too (they can't help wot they is) :D

Can't wait to see what the Pumkin King comes up wif overnight :confused:
I'm lucky as we do not get fireworks!

The fireworks my dog could hear were 6 miles away, she is terrified of anything like that, thunder in the distance, gunfire from the firing range, military transport planes, bubble wrap, packaging, packing tape, you mention it, she is afraid of it.
The fireworks my dog could hear were 6 miles away, she is terrified of anything like that, thunder in the distance, gunfire from the firing range, military transport planes, bubble wrap, packaging, packing tape, you mention it, she is afraid of it.
I certainly understand all of that but, as I said, we are well away from most of that! Thunder in the distance does cause alarm as does the distant tank fir on the ranges, but both of them are rare. I am trying to get both dogs to associate the aircraft noise to the actual planes in the sky. We get very few at low level except for the practising Jets who do seem to use our bungalow as the target! Even I duck when they come along!! Packaging materials seem to have escaped their attention but an annoying fly can cause havoc. At this time, it is heavy rain which seems to be the main target of their fear, yet the little one likes to run outside and sit in it!!!! Explain that if you can.:rolleyes:

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