Do you know if their system provides the option of a refund. It may simply be the case it doesn't have the ability for them to do so. Like calling up your record and clicking 'refund payment'. Hence asking for the payment info so they can make a manual refund against the origional card.

If you look at a shop receipt you only see the last 4 digits of the card number. The rest is hidden and not accessable to staff. When they have the option of auto refunding they scan the card again to confirm detail/identity of the card. Computer has the origional info for comparison. Easy to do when they have a 'refund payment' option to click on.
They have my address, they can send a cheque.
Cold but sunny
Going to finish covering landy 90 seats today then get them sold, need the space
Need to go get some spray glue first, ran out just when I need it
Might have another brew first
Stay chilled all :)
Coming later this year, the ridiculously hot chilli sauce collection… order now for chilli-induced rectal devastation…
View attachment 336081
Flipping heck. What a royal pain in the harse. Amazon.
1. Placed an order for batteries for my camera and a cleaning kit.
2. Due to arrive today by their own courier.
3. Tracked the progress even to my avenue and last drop off only several houses away from me.
4. Even stood at open door waiting for the van to only go by without a hint.
5. Amazon app telling me a new time and hour later.
6. Nope narda zip bugger all.
Amazon app now saying will deliver within two days time if no joy ask for a refund.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬View attachment 336083
Whey hey hay it's turned up by another driver. Apparently last night driver, who sped past my house had been a naughty boy. He had signed as say delivered to several houses and didn't. So I suspect a bum smack from Amazon and no tea.🙄
Phew. Now I can take a few snaps from my recently bought DSLR camera.

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