This guy has got it right. Good for him!

And Saturday afternoon detentions are, or were the norm in France. Often 2 hours long (Don't forget they go to school Sat morn anyway.
I only had to give one once, word got around!

Totally agree.
Also parents that are against this are usually not dispilining at home and just as bad.

Afternoon folks :).

So it contiuned to snow yesterday and the village power went out at 10pm, we were alright (jack):D.

Got up today and power and tinternet still out and, between 9-12inchs of snow on the ground:D, thinking that going to the shop for beer yesterday was a smart move;).
Anyway power/tinternet came back on about 11am so we have switched over to the mains to save the batteries incase it goes again. Cos forecast says we might get more of the same tonight.
The nice man from the village has been round with his tractor +snow plough and cleared the roads:D. Hes a nice man except....... the plough has now left us a 2ft bank of snow to get off the drive:vb-doh:, Never mind we dont need to go out, but if we did I would just bash it away with the fender:p.

But we are cosy n toasty.

Keep safe and watch the cabin fever ⛄ been -6 all day here so not much done, most probably why no more snow to flipping cold,no more beer 😣 so going for supplys thursday
So W is home.:)
Not without "issues" like the wound which is infected, so I'll have to take her to the practice nurse tomoz. :(
It could have happened cos a nurse put a plaster over a wound which had been glued up. Which we now know is a no-no.
But it is nice to have her back.:banana:
(The dogs went mental!!)
(The hospital pharmacy had run out of Gabapentin. :rolleyes: (How can this happen??))
Enjoy the evening folks!:)
@Stanleysteamer .
Get retired.. and what?

After the best part of a year I've found a bit of a niche in the new job and taken a little of the 'lower advanced' stuff away from the apprentice served bods. They're happy to not be doing it and it's less humdrum so I'm happier too. Will be having a little chat with the gaffer at the end of March regarding my six-month overdue six month evaluation and pay review.

It's only drawers, but i spose I'm allowed to be into them...
@Stanleysteamer .
Get retired.. and what?

After the best part of a year I've found a bit of a niche in the new job and taken a little of the 'lower advanced' stuff away from the apprentice served bods. They're happy to not be doing it and it's less humdrum so I'm happier too. Will be having a little chat with the gaffer at the end of March regarding my six-month overdue six month evaluation and pay review.

It's only drawers, but i spose I'm allowed to be into them...
My remark was only meant as a joke, sorry you took it so seriously.
But since you did...
I'm only hoovering cos my W is coming out of hospital in no state to do it herself.
But that isn't the point.

You told me to stop moaning at getting up at an early hour.
When I was working I got up early, sometimes so early that I got to work before the caretakers and they arrived at 0700.
I had enough of working 60 hour weeks when I retired and would not dream of going back to any form of it. Normally now I don't arise until 0800.

I kinda understood some of what you say you are doing at work and I am happy for you.

Gaffer? wife or real boss?

As for the line about the drawers..... no idea what you are on about, mate!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

I would also state that I retired with about 4 car projects to work on. Have yet to touch one, in the 10 years I have been not working. My "Gaffer" insists I finish all the DIY stuff in both houses. Find it incredibly boring so CBA to get out of bed and do it. So I am my own worst enemy! 🤣 🤣
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So W is home.:)
Not without "issues" like the wound which is infected, so I'll have to take her to the practice nurse tomoz. :(
It could have happened cos a nurse put a plaster over a wound which had been glued up. Which we now know is a no-no.
But it is nice to have her back.:banana:
(The dogs went mental!!)
(The hospital pharmacy had run out of Gabapentin. :rolleyes: (How can this happen??))
Enjoy the evening folks!:)
Glad to hear that you are reunited. I am sure she will fare far better at home than in hospital. :)
Do wish her well from me, and do take care of yourself too matey, she is depending on you! :)
Oft to wuk urly. Just going oot to wake ma hippo up.

Did you have a..
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So W is home.:)
Not without "issues" like the wound which is infected, so I'll have to take her to the practice nurse tomoz. :(
It could have happened cos a nurse put a plaster over a wound which had been glued up. Which we now know is a no-no.
But it is nice to have her back.:banana:
(The dogs went mental!!)
(The hospital pharmacy had run out of Gabapentin. :rolleyes: (How can this happen??))
Enjoy the evening folks!:)
Great thats shes home I hope she has a speedy recovery. :) :)

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