If I could i might!!!
Hey up!
A good thing!:):):)
Yessdi I finally managed to download some pics from my phone onto a pooter via a wire and USB sockets.
I'd tried this in France before and even my neighbour, who worked donkey's years for Orange and seems to be a real whizz on mobile phones and stuff, couldn't make it do it.
I searched around ont web and someone said that you have to tell your phone what to do with its USB socket
What the HECK??? A smart phone doesn't know, when a lappy is asking to download pics n stuff???
Well apparently not, so once I found the "switch" I was able to do the biz.:cool::cool::cool:
Still cannot download SMS s, or other bits of data, but this is a start.
Shame so many of the pics were poor quality, but what does anyone expect from a phone's camera!
For security yer can disable data transfer on a usb cable to protect yer fone/data. Its not the smart fone being fick. Its to stop peeps being able to get in. The charge corcuit will still wuk.
Why am I so bleddy cold ?

I'm dressed wearing a dressing gown with a blankie throw over my knees and have an hot water bottle on my lap and I'm still freezing ... yes the heating is on ...

Could it still be the bad cold I've had since Sunday last ?
When eye were a nippa we had warm air heating. Eye liked sitting in front of the vent to get warm. Years later we got rads so eye upgraded to a lecky fan heater. Recently tested meself and eye still likes sitting in front of a fan heater. Helped me get rid of my cold and warm up. Just be careful yer dun't cook yerself.
When eye were a nippa we had warm air heating. Eye liked sitting in front of the vent to get warm. Years later we got rads so eye upgraded to a lecky fan heater. Recently tested meself and eye still likes sitting in front of a fan heater. Helped me get rid of my cold and warm up. Just be careful yer dun't cook yerself.

I'm going back to bed for a couple of hours ...
News this morning is bonkers. Trump picking on dwarfs fer the crash. Layber picking on newts un bats. Eye likes newts.
I did a lot of work on a listed medieval boundary wall and rebuilt part with new foundations we had to use a air spade, to not do to much damage and we found King newts and toads the work stopped immediately for assessment and the work was stopped, I then spent a month relocating the reptiles to a new abode full paid easy month 🐊
The Daily Mogadon
New bio-fuel plant outside Dover have an unexpected visit by PM Keir Starmer
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PM seen here, being redirected by Sid Stevenson-Rokett and Paul Throllox to mulching machine access port.

On another whirlwind visit to Europe. PM Keir Starmer flies to Denmark Wind farm outside Trux Follex. The historical viking village housing five families. Now have all their power from the several generators constantly on the go.

Plant Manager Sven Abbahatersen said, the same opportunity for the people of St Kilda which PM Keir Starmer was in agreement for.
Why am I so bleddy cold ?

I'm dressed wearing a dressing gown with a blankie throw over my knees and have an hot water bottle on my lap and I'm still freezing ... yes the heating is on ...

Could it still be the bad cold I've had since Sunday last ?
You need a warm lovers on cold nights. Heck if Arabs and Romans and Greeks had loads of women why not you. We live in the 21st century. Dial 0898 Landylove.....


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For security yer can disable data transfer on a usb cable to protect yer fone/data. Its not the smart fone being fick. Its to stop peeps being able to get in. The charge corcuit will still wuk.
Aha! that sounds like a good idea. Could stop it being done by putting a password on my phone, which I have yet to do!

You are good for me, you may me take good steps to protect my stuff.

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