1. you would need to speak to your insurer to get the cover longer, Not sure you could insure a UK plated car here.
@Stanleysteamer has longer European cover but don't know who with or details
@english111 does stay a while so he may
know ( he hasn't been on for a while) Plus not much point in a 6mth cover (unless you have European residence/citizenship) without Appling for a visa as you are now only allowed 90days in Europe without.
2. There are lots of locals who can be pretty good and some main dealers, getting anything other than basic parts could take some time. So I would certainly make sure everything is as good as possible and if its due do it before you are stuck, Wouldn't hurt to pack some or spares either
I do most of the work on our cars, Main dealer for the L322.
3. Istanbul is Turkey
What part are you planning on visiting or is it just a general drive around. we are on the east coast 1hr from Varna. Theres loads to see depending on what you want.
We love the easy going lifestyle, but it can be frustrating sometimes
