I had to look up Bukta. :D:D I looked like a farmers boy when I was a wee lad well built n stank of poo. 🤣🤣

I to had to look up Bukta and thought no wonder Stans struggling with waist measurements :p

Indeed, but "right" varies by application. The SU Carb oil is a specific weight but sometimes they go for lighter/heavier because the piston moves to fast/slow. :) I am going to try not to get too clever, because I am not that clever.

The old type of oil in the pot discussion has been going on for years, heard of folks using gear oil, 3n1, atf, jack oil & whatever
oil went in the engine. All good fun. Think I had a bottle of mystery oil somewhere. Njoy your book. :)
Afternoon folks:).

So the fire was roaring at 09:00 today, yep it has snowed again overnight. It stopped around 5pm yesterday and really hadnt come to much. But todays effort is pretty good;). Its just getting control of the roads and reckon we have about 2inchs so far.
So staying warm and toasty inside today:).

Afternoon folks:).

So the fire was roaring at 09:00 today, yep it has snowed again overnight. It stopped around 5pm yesterday and really hadnt come to much. But todays effort is pretty good;). Its just getting control of the roads and reckon we have about 2inchs so far.
So staying warm and toasty inside today:).

Hi Marjon

Want to visit Bulgaria this year, Don't know yet for how long🙂 with our 300TDI Defender and got got few questons for you

1. Current UK insurance company gives 30 days European cover. Would you recommend to buy a 6 month cover from a UK company or buy cover while in Bulgaria?

2. As it is a Land Rover do you know garages that have Land Rovers knowledge? The timing belt is due at somepoint, thou could maybe wait if feeling lucky

I seen years ago via a Overlanding channel on Youtube that Istanbul has a independent Land Rover garage that does lots.

Or you could try a Stromberg set up ?
He could, or Mikunis, a Weber, a Dellorto or all sorts of things, even a Fish

Do you think Strombergs are better? The only time I had one it was a royal pain. And of course they have diaphragms to split.
(In his 4 chapters on carburation, Vizard doesn't mention Strombergs at all.

It is said they are technically superior but harder to tune.
I'd go for an HIF SU. The rest of the engine is so suited to them.
Hi Marjon

Want to visit Bulgaria this year, Don't know yet for how long🙂 with our 300TDI Defender and got got few questons for you

1. Current UK insurance company gives 30 days European cover. Would you recommend to buy a 6 month cover from a UK company or buy cover while in Bulgaria?

2. As it is a Land Rover do you know garages that have Land Rovers knowledge? The timing belt is due at somepoint, thou could maybe wait if feeling lucky

I seen years ago via a Overlanding channel on Youtube that Istanbul has a independent Land Rover garage that does lots.


Its a landy it will break when you dont want it too, get the belt done well before you go. :)
Indeed, but "right" varies by application. The SU Carb oil is a specific weight but sometimes they go for lighter/heavier because the piston moves to fast/slow. :) I am going to try not to get too clever, because I am not that clever.
I posted before I read this. I'd just start with 3-in-1 and go with that until you have got a bit further into it.
Piston movement is also governed by the wear between it and the cylinder it rises in and by the strength of the spring.
Morning All. :D
In a departure from Standard Operating Procedure we set the heating to "ON" all night. Nice & toasty this morning. :)
I didn't fancy BBQing in this weather so I nipped out last night and got a small piece of beef for slow-cooking.
Have a lovely Sunday! :D
We've been doing that recently and just turning the temp down to about 16 -17 degs.
We'll be having roast chook today!
Must remember to put the wine in to chill!:):):)
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Hi Marjon

Want to visit Bulgaria this year, Don't know yet for how long🙂 with our 300TDI Defender and got got few questons for you

1. Current UK insurance company gives 30 days European cover. Would you recommend to buy a 6 month cover from a UK company or buy cover while in Bulgaria?

2. As it is a Land Rover do you know garages that have Land Rovers knowledge? The timing belt is due at somepoint, thou could maybe wait if feeling lucky

I seen years ago via a Overlanding channel on Youtube that Istanbul has a independent Land Rover garage that does lots.


1. you would need to speak to your insurer to get the cover longer, Not sure you could insure a UK plated car here.
@Stanleysteamer has longer European cover but don't know who with or details @english111 does stay a while so he may
know ( he hasn't been on for a while) Plus not much point in a 6mth cover (unless you have European residence/citizenship) without Appling for a visa as you are now only allowed 90days in Europe without.

2. There are lots of locals who can be pretty good and some main dealers, getting anything other than basic parts could take some time. So I would certainly make sure everything is as good as possible and if its due do it before you are stuck, Wouldn't hurt to pack some or spares either
I do most of the work on our cars, Main dealer for the L322.

3. Istanbul is Turkey ;)

What part are you planning on visiting or is it just a general drive around. we are on the east coast 1hr from Varna. Theres loads to see depending on what you want.

We love the easy going lifestyle, but it can be frustrating sometimes;).

I had to look up Bukta. :D:D I looked like a farmers boy when I was a wee lad well built n stank of poo. 🤣🤣
When I was a kid Bukta was the tent of choice.

First one we had was this one.

Then we graduated to a frame tent, exactly the same as this:

Although for some reason the peeps who own this have not extended the open flap and supported it on the two poles with guy ropes like they have the one over the cooking area!
We used that until I left home. I even used it when I went to Scotland with my ex before we got engaged.
It was finally given to the scouts who were amazingly grateful for it!
Hi Marjon

Want to visit Bulgaria this year, Don't know yet for how long🙂 with our 300TDI Defender and got got few questons for you

1. Current UK insurance company gives 30 days European cover. Would you recommend to buy a 6 month cover from a UK company or buy cover while in Bulgaria?

2. As it is a Land Rover do you know garages that have Land Rovers knowledge? The timing belt is due at somepoint, thou could maybe wait if feeling lucky

I seen years ago via a Overlanding channel on Youtube that Istanbul has a independent Land Rover garage that does lots.

I had 90 day cover when I was with Lancaster but when I retired I needed much longer than that. However I was by then with SAGA and they give as much foreign cover as you want.
At first Saga only gave 90 day recovery cover, but I pointed out to them that this was barmy, seeing as how they gave insurance for as long as you want, the following year they had changed it so it matched the insurance cover!
They are also not expensive, BUT you do need to be 50 years old.
If you are going for over 90 days don't forget you will need long stay visas, and getting those is no picnic. (We have to do this every year.)
1. you would need to speak to your insurer to get the cover longer, Not sure you could insure a UK plated car here.
@Stanleysteamer has longer European cover but don't know who with or details @english111 does stay a while so he may
know ( he hasn't been on for a while) Plus not much point in a 6mth cover (unless you have European residence/citizenship) without Appling for a visa as you are now only allowed 90days in Europe without.

2. There are lots of locals who can be pretty good and some main dealers, getting anything other than basic parts could take some time. So I would certainly make sure everything is as good as possible and if its due do it before you are stuck, Wouldn't hurt to pack some or spares either
I do most of the work on our cars, Main dealer for the L322.

3. Istanbul is Turkey ;)

What part are you planning on visiting or is it just a general drive around. we are on the east coast 1hr from Varna. Theres loads to see depending on what you want.

We love the easy going lifestyle, but it can be frustrating sometimes;).

Agree about the insurance, easier to sort before the journey.

Thanks for the info about local garages, they all can do the work on a older Landy. The gearbox failed a year ago near Newcastle as got the replacement fitted by a Romanian guy in Newton Aycliffe, who never worked on a Landy before

Indeed Istanbul is Turkey, if they do timing belts would be a good reason to visit and have a day out.

At the moment its dreaming about the warmer life in Bulgaris compared to our 2 weeks of snow and ice in NE Scotland. Doing lots of research and would do a drive around the country to learn the areas. Buying a mortgage free property would be nice🙂

The timing belt is 5 years old in March. So yes ideally should get it changed before, at same time if goes over by 6 month I would still trust it. Will take the inspection cover off and see the state of it.
If got it done in Bulgaria or Turkey I guess labour cost is cheaper🙂

Got to sort my dodgy clutch pedal first, pedal jumps up on each press. New master & slave cylinder + full lenght braided hose sits and waits. When snow melts and temp is higher. Might aswell make easier when doing it on side of road

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