Morning all.

Afternoon folks :).

Woke up this morning hearing the words "I am not going for a walk in that" (they weren't actually that polite:oops:) So I guessed I didnt need to look out the window so turned over for another 10mins:D.
Yep its snowing, not to heavy and not really settling..... YET.

First time the fire has been fired up before midday.

Might, Might not go out to the garage, maybe🤔 to see if me nuts need some more soaking. I will go out tomorrow to fill up the oils but reckon the fire will be going on in the garage.

Stay warm.

Din't do very well in today's auction.
I lost a case with 4 harmonicas in by £3.
W lost all her bids except for...
@kevstar will laugh at this...
Two kilts that she won for £55. Good quality too!:):):)
Apparently she has wanted one for ages and had already bought 2 silver kilt pins for one!
So that's part of her next burpday pressies sorted!:):):)
Got a leccy heater out of the loft this morning and put it in me little workshop. (And out of storage for when the country's gas runs out this week). Spent a couple of hours preparing my motorbike engine for assembly, and came to a grinding halt when I found my Hylomar solid in the tube. Gonna have to get another tube.
Got a leccy heater out of the loft this morning and put it in me little workshop. (And out of storage for when the country's gas runs out this week). Spent a couple of hours preparing my motorbike engine for assembly, and came to a grinding halt when I found my Hylomar solid in the tube. Gonna have to get another tube.
Make sure yer hassa snift of yer heater when yer purrit onto heat, to make sure it anit burning dust. We dun't want yer gerrin to hot, iffit does.

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