A tree feller was here today and took the sick/diseased/snapped Birch tree down and cut it up into logs for me to burn next year.
At £250 it was a bit "spensive" for 2 hours work. But I didn't want to/couldn't do it.
Played shuffle with the Rangie & the Mini so the mini is trapped behind the Rangie for security purposes.
Was surprised to find a "hole" in the Mini floor (it cost me a whopping £12.95 remember). I noticed it because it was so Sunny and I swivelled the passenger seat fwd to get in the back. When I did that a tiny bright dot appeared in the carpet.
As you will all understand I had to put something through that hole and then look underneath to see where it came out.
Ok, I couldn't see the hole on the outside in plain view but I found it with my finger and it appears to be a vacated "bolt" hole (perfectly round) and not a rust hole (ragged). Maybe there was an exhaust hanger under there at some point. A thin 1mm metal patch and some CT1 will fix that I am sure. :D
Yer may want ter leave the hole open ferrabit untill yer sure the roof dun't leak. Tratter style.
The "official" method involves tapping into the bush with a 7/8 Whitworth tap, screwing in a bolt, heating the bush housing, gripping the bolt in a vice and whacking the crankcase half with a hide mallet. This final part is where the risk of damage is likely - especially if you only have one pair of hands, and pulling the bush out can increase the diameter of the housing and as there is only 1 thou of interference fit ------!
Yes the new bush is sintered bronze so it will get a soaking in hot oil. And freeze the bush before fitting, using an old cam shaft to guide / drift the bush in. After heating the housing with a hot air gun. Already have two new camshafts to fit.
Nice one!
(Screw that for a lark, their method!)
It might work if you spray the bush with that freeezing de-seizing stuff but otherwise, neeeeow! :eek:
A tree feller was here today and took the sick/diseased/snapped Birch tree down and cut it up into logs for me to burn next year.
At £250 it was a bit "spensive" for 2 hours work. But I didn't want to/couldn't do it.
Played shuffle with the Rangie & the Mini so the mini is trapped behind the Rangie for security purposes.
Was surprised to find a "hole" in the Mini floor (it cost me a whopping £12.95 remember). I noticed it because it was so Sunny and I swivelled the passenger seat fwd to get in the back. When I did that a tiny bright dot appeared in the carpet.
As you will all understand I had to put something through that hole and then look underneath to see where it came out.
Ok, I couldn't see the hole on the outside in plain view but I found it with my finger and it appears to be a vacated "bolt" hole (perfectly round) and not a rust hole (ragged). Maybe there was an exhaust hanger under there at some point. A thin 1mm metal patch and some CT1 will fix that I am sure. :D
Probably a grommet hole get a new grommet, Wallace is crap in round oles:p.

Well, it has finally happened, the mighty Tratter proper packed up on me Friday. Seven and a half years mind you.
Skipping to the back end, the summer fitted starter motor had a dead short and killed the lot. No ignition lights, nuffink.
Plus side, the peeps who fitted said starter picked her up, diagnosed and fixed her all foc. Picking up tomorrow.

Have a pleasant Sunday peeps.
Morning All. :D
Wifey still abed, cat came and asked for some grub, so I obliged and got up. :)
Apparently we are venturing into the loft today to do "stuff" and get the Crimbo tree and all that stuff down too.
I was hoping to work on that pedal car, but NO! Apparently I have "Spent far too much time on that "thing"". :(
Have a lovely restful Sunday. :D

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