I wrote my formula down a bit wrong, where I said diameter, I meant circumference. Dunces cap on. Yes, number of pitches is 4. Pitch is 1/4 of the length of the cylinder, = 3

Formula: length of string = n x square root of (circumference squared + pitch squared
L = 4 x square root of (4 squared + 3 squared)
L = 4 x root 25 = 20.

And I was not gonna do hard sums this week --------- :rolleyes:
Our posts crossed.

NOW we get it!
And it happens to be exactly the same as my hypoteneuses of my small rectangles added together.
Don't you think my ways of doing it are just a bit more elegant though?




The Cross of Saint Andrew comes in handy for visualising it!


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A cruder way of doing it is to unravel a bog roll tube 🤣
Only "crude" if it's a bog roll!
I say elegant and if I was a maths teacher that is how I would explain it, and I'd get the kids to make them.

Whenever I covered a maths lesson I used to find myself having to do this, as the maths teachers' brains were always too theoretical and algebraic for the kids to comprehend.

I could go on about how I explained why a hot wire makes it more difficult to pass current, by using the parallel of a kid trying to run down a corridor with lots of kids milling about in it, which they got straightaway as our place was overcrowded.


"Make it simple, stupid." should be engraved on every teacher's forehead! 🤣
Secrets let out 🤔.

... and letting the secret out caused the cat (o'nine tails) to be taken out of its (red cloth) bag and used on someone by the bosun or whoever.
Learned that on HMS Victory as well as the meaning of "Freeze the balls off a brass monkey", the balls being a pyramid of cannon balls placed on a brass tray. Cooling leading to differential contraction of the two metals so the balls fell off.

Also a "square meal" as their dins were served on square trays.

I can hear the snoring from here so I is off down Scroofix for a refund! ;)
Induction means that something is not exactly plugged in to something else but it gets current as the alternating current induces it in something near to it i.e. that is how a transformer works, and also the coil on an old car. maybe coil packs on new cars for all I know.
For instance we have electric toothbrushes that charge up just by being put on the charger, there is no actual plug.
So he might mean stuff that runs via transformers like laptops, phone chargers (bettery land-line ones and mobiles) even things like our Humax box
Which is why you should unplug things you aren't using, but then that applies to anything with a "stand by" mode like a telly which uses a massive amount of current even in standby.

(Think I need a little lie down now!)
What does that mean please ?
And I am flipped off!
Having had to turn the Disco round due to W's car being parked in a non-usual place I managed to be stoopid enough to reverse it slightly into my Disco 1 V8, tore a tiny likle bit of aluminium on the front offside wheel arch just where it joins the plastic of the front bumper. less than an inch. It was under a tarp, not that that made any difference.

And I don't even drive the flipping thing.
Some days I wonder why I get up at all. :mad:
Re LPAs, I just had a look into it. with W who thought that a spouse automatically got it.
Hmm! Not so. Up till now we had only discussed it more along the lines of "Who do we trust to do this" than the nuts and bolts.
So this is speeding up our thinking about it.
Also discovered that we might have been able to do something about the neglect and financial misdoings of W's brother with regards to his mother, when she was alive.
Sadly tis too late now.
Stuff no one tells you until it's too late.... :rolleyes:
Induction means that something is not exactly plugged in to something else but it gets current as the alternating current induces it in something near to it i.e. that is how a transformer works, and also the coil on an old car. maybe coil packs on new cars for all I know.
For instance we have electric toothbrushes that charge up just by being put on the charger, there is no actual plug.
So he might mean stuff that runs via transformers like laptops, phone chargers (bettery land-line ones and mobiles) even things like our Humax box
Which is why you should unplug things you aren't using, but then that applies to anything with a "stand by" mode like a telly which uses a massive amount of current even in standby.

(Think I need a little lie down now!)
Thanks for that. Much appreciated.
Just to say that the creeps who run "g" have done it.
I just sent a text on my mobile, it worked, then I thought "I'll just see if they really have stopped me talking on my mobile PHONE."
Yep, the flippers have.
I can now use my phone with its 4g chip thing for everything EXCEPT talking to someone on it.
But I think I will still be able to use it in Frogland.

Sooooo stoopid.
So the dilemma is, do I now buy 5g and keep the number on it? Or buy another chip with another number to use in the UK and keep my 4 g one with its number for use in Frogland?

Tbh few people know my number anyway.

I wonder if I can still WhatsApp peeps?

Tech don't I just love it!:(

You do that 6G will be out early next year. 🤣🤣

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