That would entail having a hub plugged in here.
Problem is that with thunderstorms, if you leave it plugged in even with voltage protection etc, they get blown up, well malfunction, and need replacing, so Orange always advise you to unplug it before the storm arrives. Which we do! So can't risk leaving it on.
We do have an alarm which is supposed to telephone you when it goes off.
It worked for a while with a mobile SIM card, but recently that hasn't worked either, we think because the mobile coverage isn't as good as it used to be.
It also had a bad habit of going off randomly, especially when there was a high wind, and we got fed up of having to bother the neighbours to check. (and they may well have got fed up of it too!) We do at least now have neighburs nextdoor who do keep and eye out and the new chap will be coming up 2 or 3 times a day to see to the horses and he too will check.
Cud yer run it oft yer nayburs wifi. Eye assume they disconnect and reconnect anorl. But at least it would be active most of the time. That's if yer close enuff to their wifi and they agree.
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Was int me garden smornin and me squirrel appeared ont grass. Came to the edge ov me slabs. He were a bit more nervous than usual as eye be stood int different location to normal. Eye went inside to gerra nut and came oot to see me naybor looking over me fence. Eye chucked a walnut towards me little friend and it landed by him. He gorrit then hopped oft down me garden. Me naybor were impressed.
Signing off now as the pooter needs to go into the Disco. As we're off to Chateauroux in the a.m. followed by Caen-Ouistreham the following day. Pompey in the evening and home later on.
Wish us luck with the customs!!;)
Speak soon!
Good luck & I suppose we should make a move too, thanks again for the use of your gaff. Oh sorry we didnt have time to tidy up...

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Well that's my good deed done for the day. One French person with a Nanocom, (my neighbour) is probably going to help another person, of as yet to be determined nationality but living about 2 hours away, with his TD5 using his Nanocom!

Both now on LZ.
The delights of tinternet!!

Superb thats all we need, just as well we cant smell the onions 🤣🤣

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