As we drive up and down our mountain road with tight bends and hairpins very regularly, we see all sorts of stupidity. Bearing in mind that much of the traffic is log lorries with double trailers and other long artics, we have to be very careful. Some manage not to cut the corners others just don't care. So when we see one coming towards us we simply stop before the bend at a place where we know he'll have straightened up or at least slow down muchly.
This twerp was well off his line. And if the rear trailer had been full that little ram would have just dug holes in the tarmac.
An entertaining thought, but.. The first one must have been a crack shot to miss his pumpkin head and ping just his ear. And the second was a Ukraine supporter with a history, even though he voted for the tangerine twit in 16 apparently.
Luckily gahd saved his ass both times, though I'd be tempted to give him downstairs the credit..

My money says the first guy never hit the ear, just close enough for it to suck the skin off with the pressure change a bit like jet wash in aircraft ...

If he gets hit proper then MAGA will martyr the fecker ...
Evenin orl,
Annuver dai dun, annuver blud tess, annuver mornins wurk. Cocker zpaniel azleep on us chest arfter his furst dai’s wurk ont partridges. Mrs DG sez him wuz a gude lad in zpite uv being a darf little bonehead. Ees muved up the zofa now so in range….
Up earlyish to drop all the dead roof tiles off at the dump. fogotted what a total pain it is reversing a short trailer. Took me quite a few goes. The place was pretty busy and a lot of peeps was simply unhitching their's and pushing them, but mine would have been a bit heavy for that, plus i had a load more in the back of the Disco. The amount would have overloaded the trailer if that was all I had used. Another guy with a load of dead breezeblocks also on a small trailer backed in next to us, he also took a few goes as well. We had a laugh about it.
Now filling it up with vegetation to take down when I take W for her phizzio.
Weather here cold but not wet.
Have a good day peeps.

Stick a couple of poles with wee flags on the trailer so yer can seen it, no need to discriminate any breed will do. 🤣🤣
I'm looking for another car for the household, wee runaround good for town in the 7k mark

However the sensible little petrol one may not be this but to say I'm not tempted will be lying.

Thats a 200tdi conversion out a disco, now yer looking at real landys. :vb-bouncy2: :cool::cool:
Stick a couple of poles with wee flags on the trailer so yer can seen it, no need to discriminate any breed will do. 🤣🤣
I sometimes stick a broomhandle up in one corner and a shovel handle up in the other. But this was a borrowed trailer, in a tight space with loads of other peeps milling around. first time i had used the trailer or had to reverse one in the place. Once I could pull the rig far enough forward from its destination to get it in a more or less straight line, it was OK. But I am far more used to longer twin axles.
The second time we went down, this time with just vegetation on board, I parked up and unhitched like everyone else. The place was teeming, the queue to get in, when we left, was about 30 vehicles long. Result of a dry weekend!
But yep, still easier than when I have to reverse my huge box trailer which of course I cannot see through!

Mebbe a Union Jack on one and a Tricolor ont other! ;) 🤣
Lad's been ont' phone ... she's kicking off because she cannot get £100k out of the house in the divorce.
I told him to stop being a patsy and dob her in for all her benefit fraud. It doesn't hurt the kids, it just kicks her into touch.
She's gone for a court order to get the house sold. He needs to get an assets hearing in place.
Lad's been ont' phone ... she's kicking off because she cannot get £100k out of the house in the divorce.
I told him to stop being a patsy and dob her in for all her benefit fraud. It doesn't hurt the kids, it just kicks her into touch.
She's gone for a court order to get the house sold. He needs to get an assets hearing in place.
Dan I am so sorry for you and your son over all this.
As I said many moons ago, if she is trying to make her own kids homeless the judge ought to kick all this into touch, at least until they are beyond education age.
If she can be dobbed in for anything then it should be done, how could he benefit from not doing that? Can't see it.
All the best to you and all who are involved in this, except her of course. :(
We will be saying goodbye to the hens tomoz. They will be going to the lovely chap in the village who takes them on every year and gives them a lovely life. He even takes in rescues from battery farms and stuff. Many of them are in a right sorry state when he gets them.
So they got a treat tonight, a lot of a melon that we had had for dessert, they do love it!
As a result of our looking at that thing with the truck and the ram on the back, I have been trying to put together dash cam footage from my camera, trouble is each file is only about 5 mins long and I do not know how to string files together. Also It has to be said that a dash cam doesn't really do justice to the steepness and the windiness of the roads we use. (Is that a word?)

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