Can it not be both.
I am gritting my teeth posting this.
When the krauts were approaching Frogland through the Ardennes only one Frog general attacked and slowed down the German Panzer spearhead and that was flipping de Gaulle.
The frog army was huge but unbelivably badly organised. The frog GHQ didn't even have proper communication systems, it relied on runners.
But seriously the Frogs were no slouches when it came to manufacture and design of tanks.
Right then who knows anything about adverse possession.
By running an old one!!!!!
Our kit cars are all free bar the one I haven't finished building.
W's car is 2004 but on a Blue badge and special dispensation for handicap so ..... free.
Other two Discos are sorned.
So we only pay for the Disco 2 about £350 I think. Yep sure is a lot for less than 5k miles. Wish theyd just put it on fuel!

Someone say FREE 🤣 🤣
Found out how old I am today working under the defender my body don't move in the same palaces it did a few year's ago .😡😡 going to be a pit in the new garage that's for shore.

A lad I used to talk to dug a pit in his council garage, then they told him they were knocking them down so
he filled it in & poured concrete into it. When they knocked them down they thought there was someone buried
in it so they got the police involved & dug it up again. 🤣🤣🤣
I am gritting my teeth posting this.
When the krauts were approaching Frogland through the Ardennes only one Frog general attacked and slowed down the German Panzer spearhead and that was flipping de Gaulle.
The frog army was huge but unbelivably badly organised. The frog GHQ didn't even have proper communication systems, it relied on runners.
But seriously the Frogs were no slouches when it came to manufacture and design of tanks.

Fixed it..............

according to the marks across the top, the square is 4 x 4.

But yep agree with you that, in the end , the result is 1/3
Ah din't spot the marks at the top till just reading yer post. Initially eye spotted the triangle top point was positionned in thurds.

Eye likes these little tests. They remind me of a test fing we did to see if we were suitable for engineering. Like a suitability test but it were called somefink else. We did it int last year of secondary school. You have simular tests. Eye remember different lines and yer had to judge which were parallel by eye sight. Words like: a white circlie is to a black [square]. Yer had to pick the answer to 4 options. It were asking yer to pick an equal, like or opposing answer. Or pick matching size shapes from a selection. Was told eye scored well but our school never gave oot results. Others did. :(

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