Boyo still not turned up!
He'll be on a fizzer! 🤣 🤣 🤣
He's surrendered?

french army knife.jpg
Wow, sounds like it got seriously sulphated somehow.
The danger now will be of it splitting and chucking hot acid everywhere.
No idea why it happened so suddenly, maybe it just got slowly sulphated up until one cell or maybe more just couldn't do its job. I'm not going to be rude and ask if you had topped it up properly. So, sorry, just dunno! :(
They must have made so many of those Renault 4 vans, still see them today and often with something sticking out of that handy little roof flap! One of those quirky French design ideas which was really practical.

Sorted battery problem but the failure so soon does seem odd. Spookily the last time this happened, either two or three years ago, it was in the exact same circumstances and the car in exactly the same spot.

Measured the volts after stopping the engine and it was 9, next morning barely over 6. Had planned to jump start again and drive off for a new one but after reading up on the rotten egg smell which at first I thought might be something to do with the DPF seeing as a persistent error message about it had appeared, decided the risk of H2S poisoning, especially with aircon on and windows up, or a Hydrogen explosion with a battery in that state, or indeed as you suggested the battery splits and dumps the contents, instead I pinched the battery from the other car, fitted that and took the errant one with us.

Got one same size but bigger capacity because I reckon with everything electric these days the battery was being over drained and left not fully charged. Was reckoned to be maintenance free so checking levels would have entailed prizing off some of the casing which didn't look like it was supposed to come off. Might do that with the new one anyway.

Going out to fit it in a minute.
Nice quality job and verry good slates 👍👍 copper nails I hope ?

Ta much. :D:D
Tis a mix of copper & galvi, the only big box of copper clout nails I could find locally was nearly 400 squids from jewson,
although a builder chap passed when I was on the roof, got chatting & he said he thinks there is a load of copper nails in
his work they do kitchens n bathrooms & have no need for them, hopefully he will bring them round. :) :)

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