I see that, thanks to Microsoft and CrowdStrike not having tested their update properly, the world has come to a standstill.
How in God's name can the world be so reliant on just one system? Madness!

According to W, at least in the old days, Microsoft were renowned for testing their systems by waiting until customers complained.
Is this now the norm? Seeing as how Boeing seem to be doing similar? :eek: :eek: :eek:
This is why a mate of ours who worked for Marconi on aircraft systems stopped working for them, being continuously asked to sign off on systems that had not been properly tested.
Feel so sorry for peeps being affected by this.
So we deffo ain't going out today!
Microsoft do test fings. So does crowdstrike but this one slipped frew. Any medium to large company will control updates oft their own wus sus server, having tested it themselves. It seems a lot of companies dun't, from the count of thems caught oot. Ours does.

Tis an easy fix but its manually done on effected machines.

There's lots of spoof stuff about microsoft poor testing. Fings would be a lot worser if it were true. Software is so complex these days wiv the way it interacts wiv fings.
Microsoft do test fings. So does crowdstrike but this one slipped frew. Any medium to large company will control updates oft their own wus sus server, having tested it themselves. It seems a lot of companies dun't, from the count of thems caught oot. Ours does.

Tis an easy fix but its manually done on effected machines.

There's lots of spoof stuff about microsoft poor testing. Fings would be a lot worser if it were true. Software is so complex these days wiv the way it interacts wiv fings.
In my last job we had a very strict policy that EVERY change was for a SINGLE item, not multiple changes at once; and all changes had to have a roll-back plan to ensure that if things went wrong the reversion could be rapid and minimise outages and down-time.
Me bin were emptied this week. Filled it wiv tree and bush cuttings. Bort meself a rose. Fink its yella. Garden centre dun't av many. Eye remembered worreye were told. Dun't go for the flowers. Get one wiv a balanced good netwurk of stems. Eye would normally get the discounded poorly one because eye feel sorry ferrit.

The miners are back. Bin ter bnq and wix for a look at fings and ant powder. Gottid some small blue pellits made of sugar un poison. They eat en and take em to the nest before snuffing it.
Had a bit of a "wobble" this arvo.
The black dog paid me a call. :(
Really hate it when this happens.
Wife asked me what was up and I really struggled to put it into words.
Finally got it expressed and expunged and back on an even-keel. :)
It was all about coping with the transition from "do anything gung-ho bloke" to feeling like I am semi-invalid status.
I am just so shocked at how nadgered I have become in so few years.
The miners are back. Bin ter bnq and wix for a look at fings and ant powder. Gottid some small blue pellits made of sugar un poison. They eat en and take em to the nest before snuffing it.
Found some stuff in the shed this week for killing ants. ('Er indoors has a good selection of snake oils in the shed). Its in capsules, like the things yer chuck in the washing machine, put it in a watering can with a gallon of water and wait for it to dissolve. Then sprinkle on the ants nests. Killed them all in a few minutes.

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