Me 3rd water butt is filling up. Will monitor fer leaks. We has add constant gentle rain fer 3 hours. Me squirrel appeared. Dripping wet. Very nervous this time. Run oft then came back ferris nut. Never returned. Tis a shsme he dun't realise eye ain't gunner hurt him. If he came in he would be warm and dry. Plenty of nuts and fresh water. Apples anorl. Could gerrim a blankit to roll up in front of the telly. He can climb up the curtains and play pool wiv me.
Me 3rd water butt is filling up. Will monitor fer leaks. We has add constant gentle rain fer 3 hours. Me squirrel appeared. Dripping wet. Very nervous this time. Run oft then came back ferris nut. Never returned. Tis a shsme he dun't realise eye ain't gunner hurt him. If he came in he would be warm and dry. Plenty of nuts and fresh water. Apples anorl. Could gerrim a blankit to roll up in front of the telly. He can climb up the curtains and play pool wiv me.
All this mention of pool, have you given up un having a nooker table?
No, I am allergic to feathers!
and TBH they are a bit scrawny, although friendly enough! 🤣 🤣 🤣
So youve got these then........

So youve got these then........

View attachment 321583
Oh My God no!
Where the flip did you get a pic like that??!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Although allergic to feathers it only means I cannot sleep wiv ma heed on a fevver pillow or under a fevver duvet, but I can pick our hens up and give them a stroke etc. I think it may depend on the fevvers, a bit like cats, I am only allergic to some cats.
So might just be duck down or summat.
But this thing looks like summat out of a Hammer Horror movie, "Return of the Henz" or summat.
Oh My God no!
Where the flip did you get a pic like that??!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Although allergic to feathers it only means I cannot sleep wiv ma heed on a fevver pillow or under a fevver duvet, but I can pick our hens up and give them a stroke etc. I think it may depend on the fevvers, a bit like cats, I am only allergic to some cats.
So might just be duck down or summat.
But this thing looks like summat out of a Hammer Horror movie, "Return of the Henz" or summat.

So your not allergic to dux doo ??
All this mention of pool, have you given up un having a nooker table?
Gottid me nooker table built. A make shift one with door seal foam stick on stuff as the cushion. Not going mad wivvit building it betterer until eye knows the mdf will stay straight. Eye has built it to propper nooker table speck for shape un size of pocket. Tis 8x4 foot. Was using 2 1/16 inch nooker balls but when changing too/from these to pool balls at 2 1/4 inch which are heavier it messed up me shots. Am no good burrit makes fungs worser. So eye bort some merkin size pool balls 2 1/4 inch to practice wiv. Eye were in a pool comp at wuk and me shots were all over the place some days. Especially if eye'd been practicing wiv me nooker balls at home day before. Fink it were because of changing between different balls. Weight un size seems to make a difference. And eye hassa dominant eye problem so need to prsctice cueing straight..
Gottid me nooker table built. A make shift one with door seal foam stick on stuff as the cushion. Not going mad wivvit building it betterer until eye knows the mdf will stay straight. Eye has built it to propper nooker table speck for shape un size of pocket. Tis 8x4 foot. Was using 2 1/16 inch nooker balls but when changing too/from these to pool balls at 2 1/4 inch which are heavier it messed up me shots. Am no good burrit makes fungs worser. So eye bort some merkin size pool balls 2 1/4 inch to practice wiv. Eye were in a pool comp at wuk and me shots were all over the place some days. Especially if eye'd been practicing wiv me nooker balls at home day before. Fink it were because of changing between different balls. Weight un size seems to make a difference. And eye hassa dominant eye problem so need to prsctice cueing straight..

Wheres the pics of yer table then... :):)

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