Gid moanin tworl me fiends anna Nippo
Wevver wornin art fer orl Gaylanderers ter getver duktaype reddy twold yer dowerson coz swet ann reighnin ann windi art vere
Hennihowsweighs henjoy yerselfs coz itza bankollidi turdi ann termorrer,
Swavva guddun
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At five ayem it was a Politician day out there...Grey and uninspiring. But I has reawoked anna sun has come art! :cool:
Grandchildrenaggedon notwithstanding it looks like a nice day fur tinkrin, fettlin an muckin about. :D
Son in law reckons he's a bbq God, we'll see.
Must be something he's good at.. :rolleyes:
Us boys ev bin holly daying in Wales. Us must report beer getting better ever visit and with evry suckseedin pint. They boys be coming over our side, tis true. Us be touched by bein mentioned, us be fine and at home in our own native land.

Brilliant, I love Devon and would live there in a flash. Welcome back, @Hippo has been quite concerned.

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