Us boys ad shower, dressed fur the wevver an oat tu shops at 0800, bort us noosepepper an fresh bread wiv doughnuts ferra treat. Be pizzundoan zo god ohm fast as us could. Then realised it’s blimmin Friday.
Your not the only one!
I got up and made both of us our normal Satdi morning brekfus, cafΓ© au lait and croissants warmed up in the oven. Delish with home grown apples turned into juice.

Then we both realised it is still a weekday.
Now i have to decide whether to do without me croissants Satdi or Sundi! Hmmm.:(:(:(
Morning All. :D
The fibbing device in the bathroom tells me I have at last managed to get to just under 14 Stone. :)
I saw my Osteopath yesterday and she straightened out all of the kinks put in by the worktop cutting and kitchen re-jigging the day before. Then of course I drove to the tip and unloaded all said old worktops out of the Rangie and put all the kinks back in.:)
Achy as an achy-thing this morning. :(
Onwards & upwards, have a great day! :D
Really feel for you.
Seeing as how Thursdi I spent most of the day either humping the heavy 3 wheeled weed-whacker into some very awkward corners or doing the same with the strimmer.
Sat down for a bit and couild barely stand up. Right hand side stiff as a board.
Went shopping yessdi but had to unload two 25 kilo bags of salt out of the very bottom of the Pluriel's boot, so over the flat bit that folds down from the back of her "quirky" little car. The plastic is so hard to get hold of I had to make a sliding thing to slide them up. We have sworn to never use the blasted car again for stuff like this.
So that was that then off to push a huge trollel all over the place.
So, still stiff this morning and not able to walk like anything other than an old person today, little steps bent over.
I REALLY hate getting old!
And unlike you , I am NOT losing weight, had to buy a belt, it says "L" on it and it only just fits.
I have discovered that when you get fat you get to a point where your belt, no matter how tight you tighten it, still won't maintain your trowsis above your hips. Never had this before in my life.
I wouldn't mind if I ate rubbish, sweet stuff, chips etc, but I flippin don't!

Rant over!
Have a nice day folks and watch yourself Dan me old mate!
Really feel for you.
Seeing as how Thursdi I spent most of the day either humping the heavy 3 wheeled weed-whacker into some very awkward corners or doing the same with the strimmer.
Sat down for a bit and couild barely stand up. Right hand side stiff as a board.
Went shopping yessdi but had to unload two 25 kilo bags of salt out of the very bottom of the Pluriel's boot, so over the flat bit that folds down from the back of her "quirky" little car. The plastic is so hard to get hold of I had to make a sliding thing to slide them up. We have sworn to never use the blasted car again for stuff like this.
So that was that then off to push a huge trollel all over the place.
So, still stiff this morning and not able to walk like anything other than an old person today, little steps bent over.
I REALLY hate getting old!
And unlike you , I am NOT losing weight, had to buy a belt, it says "L" on it and it only just fits.
I have discovered that when you get fat you get to a point where your belt, no matter how tight you tighten it, still won't maintain your trowsis above your hips. Never had this before in my life.
I wouldn't mind if I ate rubbish, sweet stuff, chips etc, but I flippin don't!

Rant over!
Have a nice day folks and watch yourself Dan me old mate!
# Taint what you eat it's the wine that goes with it. #
Taken today & monday off. Garage floor prep for the pour on Sunday. :cool::cool:
No chance of you being able to do that on a Sundi over 'ere. Even if you did your own mixing, unless you did it by hand.
Strict laws preventing peeps making noise.
You can only mow your lawn for 2 hours or so on a Sundi morn!
We have to keep remembering as we often want to get started on stuff just as 12 o'clock comes along. Now we have neighbours we can't just start up a mowing machine or a drill or start hitting hard things with hammers! (Till 1400 hours.)
We do often wonder how Frog productivity is so much higher than that in the UK.
Maybe they measure it wrong!! 🀣 🀣 🀣
Just read the local paper.
You remember that car show that we didn't go to last week due to the alleged weather?
Well apparently on the day before, (middle day of the three of the festivities) late afternoon, a crowd of people were enjoying it all when suddenly two branches fell of a huge old lime tree onto the crowd.
One dead a few slightly injured. :( :( :(
The dead person was a Brit bloke, 56 yrs old.
So they closed the grounds where that part of the show was and did the same for neighbouring ones where the rest of the show was.
So we would have travelled there for nothing anyway.
What a thing!
Expert says that although they had pruned the trees a few months before hand, and nothing seemed amiss, that lime trees are "prone to all sorts of stuff cos they are very soft wood, often hollow, etc, etc," (covering themselves).

If they are that bad they should have "no go " areas around them.
Sort of thing you just don't think about, we've been there loads.
Evening folks :).

Well we got up all disciplined, Its raining:oops::) . So its been doing it all day. No wood got stacked and we had a nothing day (call it admin day:)), few e-mails sent, check on the money all good:).

Now this is both good and bad.
Good because we have now had rain 2 nights in a row and all day today, which will hopefully continue to fill the supplies so we don't lose water (rationing) later in the year.
Bad because I put extra in the pool when I topped it up to allow for evap and now its 3 tiles from the top(15mm tiles):oops:. I know M will want to lower the level but I would prefer to leave it and let it evap out (which it will) otherwise it will mean another bag of salt. Gonna have to employ operation distraction:D.

So it appears its Sat tomorrow (i only got that from yous all ramblings:p) so that probably means we will have to go out and eat at our local eatery in the next couple of days, Its hard but we have to support local businessπŸ‘, thats our excuse anyway;).

So hope everybody else enjoys the weekend.

Evening folks :).

Well we got up all disciplined, Its raining:oops::) . So its been doing it all day. No wood got stacked and we had a nothing day (call it admin day:)), few e-mails sent, check on the money all good:).

Now this is both good and bad.
Good because we have now had rain 2 nights in a row and all day today, which will hopefully continue to fill the supplies so we don't lose water (rationing) later in the year.
Bad because I put extra in the pool when I topped it up to allow for evap and now its 3 tiles from the top(15mm tiles):oops:. I know M will want to lower the level but I would prefer to leave it and let it evap out (which it will) otherwise it will mean another bag of salt. Gonna have to employ operation distraction:D.

So it appears its Sat tomorrow (i only got that from yous all ramblings:p) so that probably means we will have to go out and eat at our local eatery in the next couple of days, Its hard but we have to support local businessπŸ‘, thats our excuse anyway;).

So hope everybody else enjoys the weekend.

Totally with you on the salt.
Which is why although we have the bags I'm putting off putting it in until the "rainy season" is over. Haven't even taken the cover off to look.
But W is treating and pulling up the weeds that will persist in comeing up between the slabs.
Not as amany as before I blitzed them a coupla years back, but still!!
Enjoy your meal out!:):):)
After flipping around on my mobile to see if it is 4G compatible for when 3G gets switched off, I have worked out it IS, but it ISN't cos it hasn't got "4G Calling".
Grrrrrrrrrrr! so my fairly new phone to me, which I am only just getting used to, (not saying "like" mind) will be U/S soon and I'll have to prise dosh out of my pocketbook (?) to get annuva one, which'll probably be U/S in the coming years!!!
Double Grrrrrr!!!
So, just controlling myself and not throwing it under a bus!!
Hope all yours are OK.
Tempted now to stick my Tesco mobile PAYG chip in it to see what happens. Not that I know ANYTHING about all this, as you all well know!
Still I'll have time to go into Tesco and be bamboozled by some spotty youff before it all goes up the Swannee, or is it down?
You see? I don't know which way up I'm facing.
Last edited:
Really feel for you.
Seeing as how Thursdi I spent most of the day either humping the heavy 3 wheeled weed-whacker into some very awkward corners or doing the same with the strimmer.
Sat down for a bit and couild barely stand up. Right hand side stiff as a board.
Went shopping yessdi but had to unload two 25 kilo bags of salt out of the very bottom of the Pluriel's boot, so over the flat bit that folds down from the back of her "quirky" little car. The plastic is so hard to get hold of I had to make a sliding thing to slide them up. We have sworn to never use the blasted car again for stuff like this.
So that was that then off to push a huge trollel all over the place.
So, still stiff this morning and not able to walk like anything other than an old person today, little steps bent over.
I REALLY hate getting old!
And unlike you , I am NOT losing weight, had to buy a belt, it says "L" on it and it only just fits.
I have discovered that when you get fat you get to a point where your belt, no matter how tight you tighten it, still won't maintain your trowsis above your hips. Never had this before in my life.
I wouldn't mind if I ate rubbish, sweet stuff, chips etc, but I flippin don't!

Rant over!
Have a nice day folks and watch yourself Dan me old mate!
Get some braces problem solved or liposuction πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€
No chance of you being able to do that on a Sundi over 'ere. Even if you did your own mixing, unless you did it by hand.
Strict laws preventing peeps making noise.
You can only mow your lawn for 2 hours or so on a Sundi morn!
We have to keep remembering as we often want to get started on stuff just as 12 o'clock comes along. Now we have neighbours we can't just start up a mowing machine or a drill or start hitting hard things with hammers! (Till 1400 hours.)
We do often wonder how Frog productivity is so much higher than that in the UK.
Maybe they measure it wrong!! 🀣 🀣 🀣

So if you & your neebs were frienz yous could help each other out & make as much noise as yous wanted.

Instead yous hate each other 🀣🀣

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