Gid moanin me fiends.
Eye snot anappi bunni turdi, coz me tratterers nor ont rode agin yit!
Veyve adder fert oo munfs, ann hant sorteded err oot yets!
Shirley itint rokkit siense ter fixa diftorrential!
Hemmingways, avva guddun coz itz kneeli tweak hend agin, annitsan ollidi anorl.
Mornin! Beautiful down ere too.
Day off oft tomorrow so poetf :)
@Oldseadog that's too bad, you don't wannabe sans tratter. Sure they know what there are doing?
Have a lovely day evvywun :cool:
Kudda foolded, mee, coz evri thyme her guzzin, her cums art wivs summat hells gon rong!
Eye snot anappi bunni, ant son sart ann swarm
Just got back from our late lunch early tea, can make it regular now the sun is shining every Friday after shopping in the big town:)

Gid moanin me fiends,
Eye snot enni nappier van yesturdi, coz gridge dumpeded me Sorn'd tratterer art int rode artsyder me harse int moaninat abart severno klok, ven telleded DVLA bah-tit swad ter taxer ann luze annuvver munf.
Sheze satsittin vere wivaht prop-or diff, ant mot hex spires ont sixfuv Jewn.
Worr heiffer, yerz orl avva gud deigh cozzits ollidayz weak hend

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