Was barely up 5 hours yessdi, ate precisely 2 croissants all day. Went to bed, achey and feeling cold so slept in 2 T shirts with the leccy blanky on. Got up at 12 today had another 2 croissants am sitting here sweating in 2 T shirts and a fleece. It isn't hot only 18 degs in the house.
Cannot BA to do anything at all.
Might rouse myself enough to find a thermometer. This isn't like me at all. Fed up of it.
W much the same though she ate some fruit last night and came to bed a bit later.

Sun shining if I bother to look.
Have a nice day folks!
Usually if you are sweating that's you away out and on the good side
I got the head out, I think, or at least most of it. We don't often get bitten by one in fact I think this is only the second time ever but our dogs were really suffering this year until we got the atrociously dear but effective anti flea and tick pills that cover them for 3 months.
The problem was that I had felt an irritation inside my jeans just near my left hip all evening but just assumed it was a twig or something. So when getting ready for bed I reached down, and took hold of what I though it probably was, only then did I realise what it actually was when a/it wouldn't let go easily, and b/ I bothered to look at it. I/we then had a really good look to see if I had managed to pull it all out. Next time I'll treat it as seriously as we do when removing them from dogs.
6 times is terrible. Is Lymes disease prevalent in your neck of the woods? It isn't supposed to be round here, but we do have deer.
Still don't know how it managed to get inside shirt, jeans and pants. And a hip is such a weird place for one to bite. It is said that I could have had it on me for a while just not felt it until it got bigger. It wasn't very big as it was, nowhere near as big as we have seen them, although I appreciate there are about 4 or 6 different species. Apparently I should have put it in a jar to show someone instead of killing it and flushing it.
As far as I can remember I was wearing working trousers and either working boots or wellies. But no, I wasn't under trees much at all.
The area was swollen and red. The swelling went down really quickly, I put antibiotic gel on it straigth away, and did so every so often for the next few days. But it was only when I started to feel really rough that I looked at the site to see that the red patch hadn't diminished in suface area at all. It had just go flatter. When you get bitten how long does it take for the red area to disappear?

Thanks very much for your advice and interest. You can imagine I am grateful for your help.

We get the same problem where we live in the Uk on the edge of the New Forest bizarrely.
If you leave a bit of it in side it will stay red and tender for a week I normally feel a pin prick on the first bite I use flat tweezers and twist and pull then squeeze very hard till it bleeds from the bite then antiseptic cream you can get a repellent that you can fix on your belt I believe thay are battery operated and emit a sound thay don't like
Don't worry I'll be seeing a Quack or an A & E as soon as poss, tomoz.

Funnily, after someone on 'ere mentioned Covid, and after the thermometer said my temp was normal, I went and had a look at 3 boxes of Covid testing kits that we have. All were out of date but some not so much as others. The first one from the oldest batch simply didn't work at all, not enough liquid in the little phials, one from latest batch did work and implied I was negative for Covid.
Then just now I poured myself a glass of the wine left over from our lovely dinner by the Canal du Midi on Friday, it had been sat in the bottle ever since so should have been OK, I cannot seem to smell it or taste it. Yet I have no cold symptoms at all. My sense of smell is normally pretty good but not so today.

Wifey's thing seems a bit more like your do. Less me, as I said no ENT things at all, not even a bunged up nose to explain the lack of smell. Covid tests are not 100% reliable even when in date.
Hmm. We'll see!
Anyway we are going to have a light salad, some cold meat and scrambled eggs so that is an improvement.
Enjoy the evening folks!:):):)
If the worst happens, we'll have a wake for you at the party pad :p
So, the granddottir appears to have a talent for archery. We bought her ickle bruv a set from the Zoon for his burpdi that she did rather well with so I got another slightly more grown up kit for her.
Taped a target to the inside of a back window so the suckers would work.
Heard the neighbour two doors down asking our next door neebs what the funny thunking sound might be... 😇
Think I was in the dog house today...... Whilst it was drizzling this morning I made a list of stuff to buy for the house.
So apparently that was the hint for us going out to screwfix n shopping.. Me = Eh what you on about I never said I was
going anywhere. This was hours later after me & my mate had moved about my cars about & got the old colt going
sounds superb with twin 40s :cool::cool: There is a fancy sound system in it too so was farting about with that & when the
sub woofers kicked in we jumped about like a couple of kids laughing 🤣🤣 The misses face & the neebs glaring at us
was priceless 🤣🤣 So we messed about some more with pressure washing the cars & took the landy for a hurl.

I had a great day, Even took her for a fish supper earlier. Im a keeper aint I 🤣🤣
I got the head out, I think, or at least most of it. We don't often get bitten by one in fact I think this is only the second time ever but our dogs were really suffering this year until we got the atrociously dear but effective anti flea and tick pills that cover them for 3 months.
The problem was that I had felt an irritation inside my jeans just near my left hip all evening but just assumed it was a twig or something. So when getting ready for bed I reached down, and took hold of what I though it probably was, only then did I realise what it actually was when a/it wouldn't let go easily, and b/ I bothered to look at it. I/we then had a really good look to see if I had managed to pull it all out. Next time I'll treat it as seriously as we do when removing them from dogs.
6 times is terrible. Is Lymes disease prevalent in your neck of the woods? It isn't supposed to be round here, but we do have deer.
Still don't know how it managed to get inside shirt, jeans and pants. And a hip is such a weird place for one to bite. It is said that I could have had it on me for a while just not felt it until it got bigger. It wasn't very big as it was, nowhere near as big as we have seen them, although I appreciate there are about 4 or 6 different species. Apparently I should have put it in a jar to show someone instead of killing it and flushing it.
As far as I can remember I was wearing working trousers and either working boots or wellies. But no, I wasn't under trees much at all.
The area was swollen and red. The swelling went down really quickly, I put antibiotic gel on it straigth away, and did so every so often for the next few days. But it was only when I started to feel really rough that I looked at the site to see that the red patch hadn't diminished in suface area at all. It had just go flatter. When you get bitten how long does it take for the red area to disappear?

Thanks very much for your advice and interest. You can imagine I am grateful for your help.

We get the same problem where we live in the Uk on the edge of the New Forest bizarrely.

I wanted so much to edit this but id get suspended 🤣🤣
If you leave a bit of it in side it will stay red and tender for a week I normally feel a pin prick on the first bite I use flat tweezers and twist and pull then squeeze very hard till it bleeds from the bite then antiseptic cream you can get a repellent that you can fix on your belt I believe thay are battery operated and emit a sound thay don't like
When I take one off a dog I put a few drops of white spirit on it which basically makes it let go enough for me to be confident in pulling it off with tweezers or one of those funny little tools you can get from the vet. I am very careful to not squeeze it so it expels anything into the wound.
What you say makes me think there is nothing inside because although red it wasn't tender once I put the antibiotic gel on. Just surprised it is still red after a fortnight.
They are a flipping pain though aren't they!?:mad::mad:
We used to U ntill we had a bat come in at 2 in the morning and the cat going mad chasing it . And on another occasion a big long eared owl we don't chance it now 😴😴
There is a big space running all under the house. It was colonised by bats ages ago. They get in via a 2 foot by 2 foot opening. It is great as they keep the bugs down and if you flash a torch around at night you can catch glimpses of them.
We too have an owl and a raptor, we see the owl sometimes but hear him/her almost every night, calling to a mate in the distance who we also can hear replying, just, in the distance. Shame about them coming in the window. We put mosquito netting up, I couldn't sleep in the heat of summer with windows closed and we never close the shutters once we open them for the season.
When I take one off a dog I put a few drops of white spirit on it which basically makes it let go enough for me to be confident in pulling it off with tweezers or one of those funny little tools you can get from the vet. I am very careful to not squeeze it so it expels anything into the wound.
What you say makes me think there is nothing inside because although red it wasn't tender once I put the antibiotic gel on. Just surprised it is still red after a fortnight.
They are a flipping pain though aren't they!?:mad::mad:
The trouble is thay hide on your clothes and come out at night looking for dinner I now hang my work clothes outside and spray them with bug killer

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