Eye is still erlive. I be still ut work anorl. Sat by said eater sneezing but eye be keepin meself going. Wurk be slow but they shud feel lucky eye be int or there be no one ter laff ut the circus they be.
Sometimes employees get ter the stage where everyfink is gloom un doom. World gonner end and nowt the company does is right. Eye has seen this before. Sometimes her have ter put it ter one side in just gerron wiv it. Glass is arf full. But nun er that collaborative boll*cks un thinking outside the biscuit tin.
Whilst I agree with the doom and gloom bit, I don't think that in modern times you can threaten dismissal for being negative o_O
They try ter link negativity in with performance. Tis not right but it's a warning as opposed ter picking ont someone ter put ont display un sack fer the sake of it.

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