Diddly-squat probably 150' x 30' so 30' /18" = 20 strips * 150' so 75 walks up and down the garden end to end; plus all the fiddly bit in and out of the paths and flower beds and such. Not a huge task, but the old mower was a really heavy horrible thing. :)
I went to battery lawn mower last year as 8 don't need a petrol mower but my grass went from dormant to hay height and I almost went over the power lead 🙄
Diddly-squat probably 150' x 30' so 30' /18" = 20 strips * 150' so 75 walks up and down the garden end to end; plus all the fiddly bit in and out of the paths and flower beds and such. Not a huge task, but the old mower was a really heavy horrible thing. :)

2024 gardening tip to save you years of cutting lawns............

And there was me thinking you had a huge header tank in the roof providing pressure for the rest of the hot taps in the house.
But yep, that sort of pressure is a bit pants.
So you don't have a hot watter tank on the first floor. OK, get that.
I have a power shower which is great, so I am assuming this thing you are looking at is similar. i.e. the pump which takes it from the tank and pushes it our faster and at higher pressure.
Without clicking on your link which I will do in a mo as I am insatiably curious!
So it needs a 240 v supply under the sink. Bit of a bind but if you have a dishwasher or washing machine nearby.......
I went to battery lawn mower last year as 8 don't need a petrol mower but my grass went from dormant to hay height and I almost went over the power lead 🙄
Which is why they always tell you to sling the cable over your shoulder and preferably through a belt or summat.
I once cut through a cable leading to a hedge trimmer and W once did the same with an electric strimmer.
It does happen, in the nicest families! :):)
And there was me thinking you had a huge header tank in the roof providing pressure for the rest of the hot taps in the house.
But yep, that sort of pressure is a bit pants.
So you don't have a hot watter tank on the first floor. OK, get that.
I have a power shower which is great, so I am assuming this thing you are looking at is similar. i.e. the pump which takes it from the tank and pushes it our faster and at higher pressure.
Without clicking on your link which I will do in a mo as I am insatiably curious!

Yes same thing, I have a 3 bar pump for my shower which takes hot & cold water. The pump in the link does a single
tap, the water has a bit to travel to the kitchen then has to climb up so the pressure is poor so I thought id try & contact
Paul but im still here holding my wand. 🤣 🤣
Yes same thing, I have a 3 bar pump for my shower which takes hot & cold water. The pump in the link does a single
tap, the water has a bit to travel to the kitchen then has to climb up so the pressure is poor so I thought id try & contact
Paul but im still here holding my wand. 🤣 🤣
What you are doing with your "wand" is nobody's business, especially as he has been dead a few years.!!! 🤣 🤣
Maybe get Debbie McGee to do the dishwashing for a bit until you get the pump!!!🤣🤣🤣
At least this one is cheaper than Scroofix. looks the biz!;):)
What you are doing with your "wand" is nobody's business, especially as he has been dead a few years.!!! 🤣 🤣
Maybe get Debbie McGee to do the dishwashing for a bit until you get the pump!!!🤣🤣🤣
At least this one is cheaper than Scroofix. looks the biz!;):)
I now cannot get out of my head the picture of DMcG with a wand sticking out of her rear!!!

I will get locked up one day!!! 🤣 🤣 :eek: :eek:
Well flip me over!
After two "white days" in a week with Tarif Tempo from EDF (ie more expensive electric) they have just announced another tomoz!
Never known them do more than 2 in a week. :eek:
Luckily they will run out of them soon and we will be on blue days till we leave!
Still cheaper than UK electric though!! :):):)
Sleep well folks!:):):)

"Debbie! I am on my way!!!";););)
Eye has fallen oot wiv me belt sander. Eye was sanding me corner fings wivvit g clamped to me wuk mate. It were at 90 degree's so ok. Another day it weren't which has put a slight angle on me curves. Somehiw the belt went at an angle burrits solid when yer mess wivvit. Took the belt oft. Metal plate behind the belt is fixed into the main unit at one side. Eye were wondering if the belt had worred down and gone thin but it ain't. After putting the belt back on it were at 90 degree's again. Fink its the turny fing at the end which positions the belt that did it but dun't know how. Eye were measuring it wiv me square fing on me kitchen wuk top while watching the nooker.
Me little burd only feeder is doing ok. Magpies hang offit but can't get to me wurms. Little ones managed to empty it in 4 days. Was tempted to leave it like that for a few days as one little burd chucks a few wurms over the side each time it visits. Need them to realise if they waste em they run oot. Was worried they might tell me squirrel.
Me little burd only feeder is doing ok. Magpies hang offit but can't get to me wurms. Little ones managed to empty it in 4 days. Was tempted to leave it like that for a few days as one little burd chucks a few wurms over the side each time it visits. Need them to realise if they waste em they run oot. Was worried they might tell me squirrel.
I think it is very thoughtful of your little birds to think of all 'is big friends who can't help themselves so are doing their best to give everyone their share. :)

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