Arvdernune, frens.
Yer Devonguy av bin absinthe ferra wile, tis true but opin yer orl still well an appy. Us still mourning loss of Hippocrates and plannin tu buy a F2 ledder this yur as us as lost 3 dogs this yur an can go back tu a smaller boot space.

Us av gorra cancer. Tis where sun duddun shaine. They’m gunna chop un oat a fix it up zo us boys duddun die. The reason they found un wuz wiv the Screenin Programme. Tis a proper unpleasant fing but un maight zave yer laife so us be begging yer orl tu get checked an get treated. Conzultant sez cud av gone on fer faive yers undetected a then be tu late.
Geddit dun, frens, an stay alaive. Lecture oaver. Lukin forrard tu life!
Absolutely the best of luck with it , mate.🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
Sorry, I can just see that happening & you just watching in disbelieve with yer mouth open. 🤣🤣

Little brat id have accidently spilt it over it on purpose, oooopppsss sorry lol
Well that's two of us thinking along the same lines. but then I haven't read to the end of the thread yet.
Scorching today again woohooo :banana: :banana:
Flip off and send some of that darn sarf!!!
Ordered a water booster pump from screwfix, delivered by parcelforce yesterday but not to us as misses was home all day.
They have a pic of it delivered aye right :rolleyes: Its not at this house. :( Contacted scroofix & they are asking PF to pick up
the package & re-deliver it to us. Not happy as I spent my lunch hour trying to sort it oot. :mad:
Ok, don't give a poop, well not much, about your delivery problems, far more interested in WHAT IS a water booster pump?????

OK, I'll own up, I do really care about your delivery problems. and it is a waste of a lunch hour!
Hope it arrives eventually safe and sound.

should I get one???!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Ok, don't give a poop, well not much, about your delivery problems, far more interested in WHAT IS a water booster pump?????

OK, I'll own up, I do really care about your delivery problems. and it is a waste of a lunch hour!
Hope it arrives eventually safe and sound.

should I get one???!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

How the hell would know if you need it as I cant tell if it works cause Paul Daniels has made it disappear
maybe Debbie Mcgee will appear & pull it out her ass 🤣🤣🤣
Finally ordered a new heating element for the dishwasher that has prolly needed it for years.
Lost the handbook but found one on line which tells me that filling it with hot watter isn't necessarily a good thing as it shortens the wash cycles! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and now W tells me that she thinks the washing machine's element might have gone too!:mad::mad::mad:
I have yet to test!
It is as if everything at the mo to do with heat has gone west.
Chainsaw to cut logs for heating.
Thermostats for underfloor heating.
Dishwasher element.
Washing machine element.

Will I ever catch a break?o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
How the hell would know if you need it as I cant tell if it works cause Paul Daniels has made it disappear
maybe Debbie Mcgee will appear & pull it out her ass 🤣🤣🤣
So a water boost pump is something to do with gastric lavage.

OK, I'll wait until I feel this is something I can't do without.

And don't go slaggin off Debbie McGee, I has a soft spot for her.
Well it's soft at the mo!!!🤣🤣🤣

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