... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D

Kids are horrible life sucking little brats who hoover the contents of your bank account 🀣 🀣

Id rather have my dogs :D:D
It's not you.
It's the kids and how they have been brought up.
I love 5 of my grandkids and cannot stand the 6th.
They've all been brought up well, but she is a manipulative female dog and now she has left home, having nearly got her quali as a primary teacher (God help those kids). Her stepfather is over the moon!
But I remember things like one of them amusing himself by running at his grandad and bouncing off his pot! Over and over again. We both laughed till we were sick. He's about 23 now and conscientiously sends us Christmas presents etc, from his Scottish island home.
So if they are noisy, screamy and misbehaved, it isn't you, it's them. Don't sweat it.
The best you can hope for is that they grow out of it.
(We both know the prementioned female will be as she is till the day she dies, sad but true.)
You ain't wired up wrong, seriously mate.

I was looking at that island last week eating my battered prawns n chilly sauce.
Kids are horrible life sucking little brats who hoover the contents of your bank account 🀣 🀣

Id rather have my dogs :D:D
I always thought I would be too selfish to have kids. With my time and effort, more than money. And I was never going to have any, under any circs, unless I was rock sure of the marriage. Good thing too seeing how marriage number 1 went!!
Strangely I think I am less selfish than I thought I was, if that makes any sense. But you never know until you have 'em then it's too late! But I don't begrudge time spent with grandchildren.

Then you hand them back, kick back and relax!!;)
I always thought I would be too selfish to have kids. With my time and effort, more than money. And I was never going to have any, under any circs, unless I was rock sure of the marriage. Good thing too seeing how marriage number 1 went!!
Strangely I think I am less selfish than I thought I was, if that makes any sense. But you never know until you have 'em then it's too late! But I don't begrudge time spent with grandchildren.

Then you hand them back, kick back and relax!!;)

Thats the ticket give them back 🀣
Do you not use a kneeler? I've been doing that for a long time now and I didn't have real knee problem to start with.

But when I did all that slabbing two years agao I had to sit down to it as my back couldn't cope any other way.
Its not the act of kneeling its all the getting up and down, if you know what I mean.
The knees start to ache and start clicking.

... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D
I don't think there is an issue with you but their behaviour. I am the same I dislike being near children for a length of time. Why I seek out venues for 18+ when I go out. I was out once in a pub having a drink and some child came and put their fingers in my drink. Did the mother bring me another pint?? Nope.

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