Just tried to find out the balance on our last Tesco credit card bill. The burd on the phone couldn't tell me as the account was "locked". We passed all the other security questions.
Every flipping time it gets harder and harder to something as simple as this. Grrr!
It is likely "locked" as I tried to access it on line and they told me I had to register for an account and they'd post me a code, to, you've guessed it, the UK address.
Burd told me they couldn't post it to a French address.
Previously all I had to do was ring up, put a few numbers into an automatic doodah and it'd TELL me the amount on the statement.
At least the burd told me we wouldn't incur a late payment charge as we are trying to pay it!
So we now have to get dottir to go in the house, open the post and tell us the code over the phone!
I flipping hate all this stuff!!!

Have a good eveining folks!!:):):):)
Angry banking sh!t...

Have a good eveining folks!!:):):):)

Welcome to C21st Britain. I too hate all this banking sh!t, drives me mad...especially having to remember the thirteen digit Visa debit card online security number. No idea what it is, so just use other cards that ping out six digit security codes to the mobile.

All this online bollox +social media tripe +woke sh!t +Islamic sh!te makes me more disgruntled and curdles the blood, making me a most grumpy fellow. I find a permanent sojourn chez v8250 Towers with moat and drawbridge up & locked quite the thing for a stress free day ;)
... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D
... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.
You ain't got a fridge magnet like mine then?? :p:p:p

Just tried to find out the balance on our last Tesco credit card bill. The burd on the phone couldn't tell me as the account was "locked". We passed all the other security questions.
Every flipping time it gets harder and harder to something as simple as this. Grrr!
It is likely "locked" as I tried to access it on line and they told me I had to register for an account and they'd post me a code, to, you've guessed it, the UK address.
Burd told me they couldn't post it to a French address.
Previously all I had to do was ring up, put a few numbers into an automatic doodah and it'd TELL me the amount on the statement.
At least the burd told me we wouldn't incur a late payment charge as we are trying to pay it!
So we now have to get dottir to go in the house, open the post and tell us the code over the phone!
I flipping hate all this stuff!!!

Have a good eveining folks!!:):):):)
Snap all good stuff for a coronary bet your hair is thin too you can do the same thing like paying bills and every time the protocol is different 😠😠
... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D
We can't all be the same it wouldn't be normal just be your self people will have to except you for what and who you are πŸ’–
... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D
It's not you.
It's the kids and how they have been brought up.
I love 5 of my grandkids and cannot stand the 6th.
They've all been brought up well, but she is a manipulative female dog and now she has left home, having nearly got her quali as a primary teacher (God help those kids). Her stepfather is over the moon!
But I remember things like one of them amusing himself by running at his grandad and bouncing off his pot! Over and over again. We both laughed till we were sick. He's about 23 now and conscientiously sends us Christmas presents etc, from his Scottish island home.
So if they are noisy, screamy and misbehaved, it isn't you, it's them. Don't sweat it.
The best you can hope for is that they grow out of it.
(We both know the prementioned female will be as she is till the day she dies, sad but true.)
You ain't wired up wrong, seriously mate.
... that I am probably the worst Grandad ever. :( Shame, but there it is. It's true.

I do love my grandkids but I can only stand to be in their noisy, screamy, misbehaved company for about 10 minutes at a time.

My son berates me because when I go to his place I don't sit down, I pace; and it is clearly evident that I am itching to go ASAP.

I do feel at odds because all the other "granddad's" I know do say they love spending lots of time with their g-kids. I don't, I find them a real PITA and I can't wait to get away. I guess I am wired up wrong. :eek:

My Father was the same, even more so because he couldn't stand even his own children LOL. :D
Is like Sir Tom likes to say.. Snot unusual.
The three I am 'Donk' to ain't mine I admit, I do find them a trial.
Everything is irritating. From the lack of pees and queues, the dropped tees and glottal stops, the chamming, the noise, the squinnying, the amazingly mind numbing crap they have running constantly on their goddamn gadgets even when they aren't looking at the flipping things and lastly they have absolutely no respect for my STUFF!
There's prolly more, but that's what comes to mind.. :)

Nuffin wrong with your wiring at all matey.
Is like Sir Tom likes to say.. Snot unusual.
The three I am 'Donk' to ain't mine I admit, I do find them a trial.
Everything is irritating. From the lack of pees and queues, the dropped tees and glottal stops, the chamming, the noise, the squinnying, the amazingly mind numbing crap they have running constantly on their goddamn gadgets even when they aren't looking at the flipping things and lastly they have absolutely no respect for my STUFF!
There's prolly more, but that's what comes to mind.. :)

Nuffin wrong with your wiring at all matey.

Ah, see I've dragged mine to almost 4yrs, starts school in Sept, and is chatty, but respectful...
Ah, see I've dragged mine to almost 4yrs, starts school in Sept, and is chatty, but respectful...
Our two youngest, 13 and 16, did the washing up when they came to stay, unprompted, their mother wasn't with them, helped lay the table, looked after the fire, were hardly ever on their phones, chatted, played cards with me, I helped them with their school work. A pleasure to have them stay.
Their mum is Japanese which might have made a bit of difference, but they have lived in France for the past 7 years. And mum is no tyrant.
Of all our 6 they are the most helpful and respectful. Although the others are very good too.
I think we are just incredibly lucky.

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