Just tried to find out the balance on our last Tesco credit card bill. The burd on the phone couldn't tell me as the account was "locked". We passed all the other security questions.
Every flipping time it gets harder and harder to something as simple as this. Grrr!
It is likely "locked" as I tried to access it on line and they told me I had to register for an account and they'd post me a code, to, you've guessed it, the UK address.
Burd told me they couldn't post it to a French address.
Previously all I had to do was ring up, put a few numbers into an automatic doodah and it'd TELL me the amount on the statement.
At least the burd told me we wouldn't incur a late payment charge as we are trying to pay it!
So we now have to get dottir to go in the house, open the post and tell us the code over the phone!
I flipping hate all this stuff!!!
Have a good eveining folks!!