I have plenty to do, like fix the leaking basin, go to the neebs to get back the big wheeled weedwhacker/mulcher and borrow a sack truck cos.........
The dishwasher has decided it isn't playing this season.
It hasn't heated water in ages, but as it is plumbed into the hot water which we get nearly free from the solar, it hasn't been a problem, but this time it won't go properly through a programme.
Ever since the element went, (as it transpired) I have had a "spare" in the shed, brought over after I took it out of the kitching in UK when I started dooing it up as W wanted a built in number.
But I need the sack truck to move it. (Mine is in the UK, obvs!)
This sort of thing ALWAYS happens when we get back.
But other bad news is that the new neebs have "topped" some of the trees that form a fence, i.e. a metre inside the property line. We have NO idea why. They had to trespass to do it so it looks to me like trespass and vandalism. I will be taking pics and visiting the local plods to ask their advice.
They have taken more than half the height off them.
It is not as if they obscure light or view as it is to the north of them so the only view they now have is of us.
I'm not going to talk to them about it. I'll find out where we stand and then email them.
We know that technically the trees shouldn't be higher than 2 metres but they could see them when they looked to buy and the only convo we have had about them was to agree that they could trim the branches back to the property line and they said they weren't bothered about the height. So if nec we'd have to take them all down, all 85 of them. Then either put up a 85metre fence or replant summat else, like laurel or some thorny thing like what we have on the front.
Could really do without this!
Hate having neighbours, at least ones on our border!
So yes, busy but enjoying catching up on here and elsewhere as the internet/landline has only just come back on.
Good to see you all on form!!

and do look after yourself DD!