Sadly was a bit premature with the second sewing machine. Despite the geezer advertising it as "working".
And my having tested it as soon as it arrived befofe hiding it away.
When W had finished playing with the other one, fixing a dress and programming it to stitch words onto a piece of material, she decided to make sure the other one was OK.
So she pluggged it, switched it on and the light came on then faded to "out" while a gentle burning smell ensued. :(:(:(:(
So Stan the "not electrical man" swung into action.
Checked the fuse in the plug, seemed OK, plugged it back into the other machine, twas fine.
So she goes off to do the dogs, and our, dinner.
I pop the machine on its back and unscrew 4 screws holding a plate onto the base where the power goes in. Total voyage of discovery.
There I beheld a kind of "pack" which once unscrewed further revealed a transformer surrounded by a circuit board with various resistors, a condenser (I think), what appeared like a glass fuse soldered in, other "stuff", a couple of contact switches, all of it connected to the rest of the machine with a ribbon cable.
I used a circuit tester to see if the coils around the transformer were OK, which they were, if the fuse was OK, which it wasn't or didn't appear to be according to the meter, although visibly it looked OK. All the soldered connections under the board seemed to be OK.
The smell seemed to be coming from this bit but I couldn't be sure. I also noted a slightly moist, maybe slightly sticky liquidish substance, hardly any of it but it was there.

Dinner was nearly ready so I put it all back together and tested it again. No luck.

So, somewhat peeved.:(:(:(

No idea what ohm rating the fuse is at, and not exactly sure how it is mounted. The glass wasn't smoky inside neither.

I won't have time to try and fix it before we leave and, as you know, this isn't stuff I have much clue about.
So it has become a supply of spares for the moment.

One thing though, she didn't press the pedal so the motor hadn't turned, which makes me hopeful the smell didn't come from that.

Ho Hum!

when we come back I think we'll have to find a repair place. :rolleyes:
Eye need some advice. Me naybor over the back popped round to say the big tree at the end of their garden is gerrin a trim soon as its near 70 foot tall and needs tidying up. Initially eye were a bit worried they were going to say they was chopping it down. But they ain't. Told them eye liked the tree being there. The abbytat it provides for wildlife anorl. Problem is edgar will see wots happening so needs to know how to approch the subject and tell him. Some time ago edgar fell oot wiv the big tree because he kept calling him a twig. Bit hash eye know but tree's will be tree's. Edgar's aware of wot wood butchers do as he's heard chainsaw's in the distance before but never seen wot happens directly.
Eye need some advice. Me naybor over the back popped round to say the big tree at the end of their garden is gerrin a trim soon as its near 70 foot tall and needs tidying up. Initially eye were a bit worried they were going to say they was chopping it down. But they ain't. Told them eye liked the tree being there. The abbytat it provides for wildlife anorl. Problem is edgar will see wots happening so needs to know how to approch the subject and tell him. Some time ago edgar fell oot wiv the big tree because he kept calling him a twig. Bit hash eye know but tree's will be tree's. Edgar's aware of wot wood butchers do as he's heard chainsaw's in the distance before but never seen wot happens directly.
It is illegal to disturb the habitat of a nesting bird, so if there are nests in use in the tree he has to lay off until the nests stop being used.
I think permission is required before you can cut a tree down or lower its height. Arboreal officer at the council will advise on this.

Additional; tell Edgar its just the same as a human bean getting a haircut, it doesn't hurt. Just a bit noisy from the tools :cool:
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Just watched a couple of YouTubes where a guy strips down a more modern Husqvarna than W's and then he replaces all 12 capacitors on both boards in one.

He added new solder to the bottom of each connection before using the fancy de-soldering iron then soldering new ones in.

Never knew you had to do that.

Wondering now if the liquid I encountered came from inside a dead capacitor. I think we all now know that capacitors are so often the weak spot in modern electronic systems. I certainly think they are the problem with all the dodgy thermostats in the Frog house.

I can tell what more or less everything smells like in a car including the different smokes; electical wire, brake fluid, all different oils, the sweet smell of hot coolant etc etc.
Wish I could do the same with elelctronics!!
I think permission is required before you can cut a tree down or lower its height. Arboreal officer at the council will advise on this.

Additional; tell Edgar its just the same as a human bean getting a haircut, it doesn't hurt. Just a bit noisy from the tools :cool:
Its their tree so its ok for them to trim it. As it forms part of the ring of trees round me garden eye likes to fink ovvit it as part of me garden. Said tree is on their side of the fence but eye benefits from it being there.

Hair cut is a good idea.
Just watched a couple of YouTubes where a guy strips down a more modern Husqvarna than W's and then he replaces all 12 capacitors on both boards in one.

He added new solder to the bottom of each connection before using the fancy de-soldering iron then soldering new ones in.

Never knew you had to do that.

Wondering now if the liquid I encountered came from inside a dead capacitor. I think we all now know that capacitors are so often the weak spot in modern electronic systems. I certainly think they are the problem with all the dodgy thermostats in the Frog house.

I can tell what more or less everything smells like in a car including the different smokes; electical wire, brake fluid, all different oils, the sweet smell of hot coolant etc etc.
Wish I could do the same with elelctronics!!
When caps blow they normally split.

Adding more solder helps to clean the joint if there's flux innit. Also warms it up to help desolder.
I think permission is required before you can cut a tree down or lower its height. Arboreal officer at the council will advise on this.

Additional; tell Edgar its just the same as a human bean getting a haircut, it doesn't hurt. Just a bit noisy from the tools :cool:
I have some experience of this due to disputes with neighbours. They always wanted trees cutting down or at least being topped.
Plus we have problems with the council trees the other side of, and too close to, our fence.
Firstly there is the issue of TPOs or tree protection orders. Basically if your tree has one it cannot be touched, much, unless it is diseased/dangerous, but many trees on private land don't have them.
(In our case all the ones on the council land had them.)
But the local Tree Officer will tell you which do and which don't though once told he/she might try to slap TPOs on anything.
(our middle dottir used to be a tree officer)

However, if you have trees along your boundary and their branches touch or cross then that constitutes a hedge and by law a hedge cannot be higher than a certain height unless both parties agree, and I think that is set at 2 metres, from memory.
This is why me ex s-i-l and I took about 4 or 5 trees down, and then later on another one in a corner, so that a neighbour could not force us to top our one remaining tree which is on a boundary with another property.

the law isn't hard to find, or to understand, though it can be damned annoying. And if you think a tree could fall down and damge your house you have to tell the owner, including the council.
We have a new tree officer and he is a right pillock. We warned the council, yet again that if certain trees fell down they would damage our property then he just got on his high horse saying "You would have to prove the damage was caused by the tree falling down". Idiot. If one of them fell down it could hit our bedroom, which is a bit meh!
I think permission is required before you can cut a tree down or lower its height. Arboreal officer at the council will advise on this.

Additional; tell Edgar its just the same as a human bean getting a haircut, it doesn't hurt. Just a bit noisy from the tools :cool:
And the more he cuts it the more it will grow back!!

We agreed to top our last remaining tree by 50 %. It grew back to its original height and even wider, so he "lost" yet more sunlight. That learned him.
Its their tree so its ok for them to trim it. As it forms part of the ring of trees round me garden eye likes to fink ovvit it as part of me garden. Said tree is on their side of the fence but eye benefits from it being there.

Hair cut is a good idea.
You might be surprised, it may well have a TPO on it. The tree or "arboreal" officer will tell you.
When caps blow they normally split.

Adding more solder helps to clean the joint if there's flux innit. Also warms it up to help desolder.
Both of those make perfect sense. I looked carefully at the capacitors on the board for the transformer, but none seemed dodgy, but then I didn't look at any that were hidden on the circuit board inside the rest of the machine.

I have seen caps that are not working, but they hadn't split. The connection to the PCB were brown and dodgy looking.

After we had the big hoo haa with the swimming pool and its fancy electronix I took the big PCB out and followed the advice of the blokety who sold us and had the the pool fitted, to get it to run manually. but eventually I had a look at the board and sho nuff a cap looks like it might well be dodgy.
I'd love to be able to put it all back the way it should be but I have had to disconnect and reuse in different ways so many of the wiring connections that I am not sure I could put it back together, as I never thought I'd be able to and getting it done would be hugely expensive. I never took any pics nor drew any diagrams, I just got on with it.
Kicking myself a bit now.

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