Heard the fence knocking ao looked oot and me squirrel were sat on the apex of me garage yesdi. He had a nut in his mouth. He sat for a few minutes watching the world go by. Then ran down me garage, along me fence and gate, down me wall and ran down me drive. I was upstairs so went to the front window. Spottid him running along the top of me naybors brick wall. Jumping the overgrown bits going over the top of said wall. He then leaped oft the wall onto a conifer tree. Then dissapeared. Eye watched ferrabit but he din't come back. It has got me wondering if he lives in said tree.
Wots a flob a dob.
It's where they go round to peoples houses asking if they have got any little jobs they need doing for 5p!
Both Cubs and Scouts.
Moved a load of stuff today, threw some stuff in the trailer for the tip, had a fire in my burny bin, a few mates round
misses made bacon n egg rolls n lorne sassage rolls. Then managed to dress 100 slates with my slate knife might order a
guillotine got a couple of thousand to dress. I think I might have too many slates probably got about 8 thousand
cause they were free 🤣🤣 I'll sell the rest they go for 50p-quid each depending on size. :):)
Might as well sell the excess then use thw money to pay someone to dress the slates for you. OR when they come round, don't pay them, tell him you'll just "Put it on the slate" and pay him when he's finished then you can flog em.

Sorry, I'll put a sov in the swear box, after all I did say "pay him" twice. Oh blow now I've done it again, bang goes another 50p!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
And me remember watching all the above plus noging of the nogs
What those Welsh nogs got up to was nobody's business! 🤣 🤣
But if we are going to talk the later ones, what about "Magic Roundabout"? with Dylan who was always high as akite? It is said that they used to finish lectures early in Oxbridge so the students could go and watch it!
Translated from the Frog, allegedly.

Hated Pugwash. Sunday TV was sooo boring and then we had that barely animated nonsense which just reminded me that I had school in the morning. :(:(:(

Even when I got paid to go there!!🤣🤣
Thought of a brilliant and, looking back on it obvious, wheeze to get around the problem of needing to renew my medical time limited drivers licence while abroad.
Get an international driving permit, then I can send my licence off knowing that if the Frog plod stop me I will have something to show them.;)


Anyway got the IDP now so the pressure is off!:vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:

Doggy groomer lady coming in 20 mins so that will be me holding doggies while she cuts them for a couple of hours! :cool::cool:
Doggy groomer lady coming in 20 mins so that will be me holding doggies while she cuts them for a couple of hours! :cool::cool:
It's where they go round to peoples houses asking if they have got any little jobs they need doing for 5p!
Both Cubs and Scouts.

Might as well sell the excess then use thw money to pay someone to dress the slates for you. OR when they come round, don't pay them, tell him you'll just "Put it on the slate" and pay him when he's finished then you can flog em.

Sorry, I'll put a sov in the swear box, after all I did say "pay him" twice. Oh blow now I've done it again, bang goes another 50p!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Ive got a mate who says he will do them for me for free, he's got his own slate knife but ive ordered a guillotine so will be much
quicker. I will help him put a new road into a bit of land he's got & he will help me with my roof so happy days. :):)
It's where they go round to peoples houses asking if they have got any little jobs they need doing for 5p!
Both Cubs and Scouts.

Might as well sell the excess then use thw money to pay someone to dress the slates for you. OR when they come round, don't pay them, tell him you'll just "Put it on the slate" and pay him when he's finished then you can flog em.

Sorry, I'll put a sov in the swear box, after all I did say "pay him" twice. Oh blow now I've done it again, bang goes another 50p!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Bob a job 🤣 🤣 🤣

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