This.. Is a cruffin. A croissant /muffin love child, with custard and jam.. . and my breakfast tomorrow
It's a shame.
Having read down the list of products with their ingredients not one is gluten free. They mention merignues, but they are not listed with their ingredients, they ought to be OK.
such a shame as I would have a real feast there!!
It's a shame.
Having read down the list of products with their ingredients not one is gluten free. They mention merignues, but they are not listed with their ingredients, they ought to be OK.
such a shame as I would have a real feast there!!
Jeez Stan, gluten in a meringue?
Anyway, missus gets away with the Rye bread, it ain't certified gf fur sure. Maybe 'old' grains are a pass for her, she's good with the Waitrose fresh one anorl.

It does seem her coeliac's is less militant these days, she had a half of Tribute most days this week with no ill effects.. Is that a thing?
Jeez Stan, gluten in a meringue?
Anyway, missus gets away with the Rye bread, it ain't certified gf fur sure. Maybe 'old' grains are a pass for her, she's good with the Waitrose fresh one anorl.

It does seem her coeliac's is less militant these days, she had a half of Tribute most days this week with no ill effects.. Is that a thing?
I agree, I cannot imagine how they would put gluten in a meringue, but she has to watch it like mad. We lost a day's holiday in Scotland after she had cheesy chips that both the waitress and the chef assured her had no gluten in. Some chips come coated in flour to make them crisp, as doubtless you and the missus know.

she has never drunk beer so the Tribune thing wouldn't be a question, she drinks cider, among othet things!

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