None of that. Eye dun't do fancy cookering. Garlic tastes un smells orrible.
Each to their own of course. I am not a huge fan of garlic but I recently experimented with a single clove of garlic plus plenty of fresh rosemary leaves (both very finely chopped) sprinkled as a garnish over the roasting potatoes (small chunked par-boiled) and the taste of the spuds is just amazing. We have our roast spuds this way all the time now. :D
Each to their own of course. I am not a huge fan of garlic but I recently experimented with a single clove of garlic plus plenty of fresh rosemary leaves (both very finely chopped) sprinkled as a garnish over the roasting potatoes (small chunked par-boiled) and the taste of the spuds is just amazing. We have our roast spuds this way all the time now. :D
It's not the taste or the smell that gets me but the instant hostile reaction it gets once it starts to negotiate the system. :eek:
In a world full of anger and pain, wiv multiple zones of conflict, famine and disaster, eye fink its sad to see kate's photo mods headlining the news from so many oot lets. One has to wonder wots more important in life.
What's hilarious is that they are going on about the girl's wrist alignment presumably with her sleeve, which does look a bit offset, and Louis' fingers, which I think are just him playing around with them, but no mention now is being made of her missing weddding ring.

Monday is usually a slow news day, at least in the morning!
It's not the taste or the smell that gets me but the instant hostile reaction it gets once it starts to negotiate the system. :eek:
That's not funny. I have met a person who suffers similarly and has a similar reaction to onions, which must be a right pain seeing as how they go into so many dishes.

Sympathise muchly.:(:(:(:(:(
(W has allergies which make eating out not much fun. There is gluten in soooo many things. Went to a pub in Scotland once, she couldn't eat a single thing on the menu, had to just walk out and there was nowhere else to eat for miles around. )
...that if you are polite but persistent you can get big faceless organisations to do the right thing.

2 years ago I bought a bathroom caddy from Amazon. The caddy was advertised as having a 5 Year warranty against rusting and perforation of the Chrome finish.

It is already going rusty after 2 years. :( I have cleaned the discolouration off twice now and on cleaning this time I can see/feel that the chrome plating is pitted through.

I went online to try to return/replace but the website says no.

I got in touch with customer services and the lady also said NO, out of time for a return/replace.
When I suggested the 5 Year warranty was in effect and she should replace it she said she could not.

I reminded her that a declared 5 year warranty in the selling advertisement formed a binding contract between the parties for performance of the item.
She went away to her Supervisor and came back to me after 5 mins and said I should contact the manufacturer to get them to honour the 5 years warranty.

I explained that there was no relationship between me and the manufacturer, that relationship rested with Amazon and they should refund me and then take the issue up with the manufacturer if they wanted to.

She then suggested that I buy another one and when it arrives she will call me to arrange a return of the faulty one and a refund of my money.

It seems a long way around the problem, but as long as they come through I don't care. We shall see.
...that if you are polite but persistent you can get big faceless organisations to do the right thing.

2 years ago I bought a bathroom caddy from Amazon. The caddy was advertised as having a 5 Year warranty against rusting and perforation of the Chrome finish.

It is already going rusty after 2 years. :( I have cleaned the discolouration off twice now and on cleaning this time I can see/feel that the chrome plating is pitted through.

I went online to try to return/replace but the website says no.

I got in touch with customer services and the lady also said NO, out of time for a return/replace.
When I suggested the 5 Year warranty was in effect and she should replace it she said she could not.

I reminded her that a declared 5 year warranty in the selling advertisement formed a binding contract between the parties for performance of the item.
She went away to her Supervisor and came back to me after 5 mins and said I should contact the manufacturer to get them to honour the 5 years warranty.

I explained that there was no relationship between me and the manufacturer, that relationship rested with Amazon and they should refund me and then take the issue up with the manufacturer if they wanted to.

She then suggested that I buy another one and when it arrives she will call me to arrange a return of the faulty one and a refund of my money.

It seems a long way around the problem, but as long as they come through I don't care. We shall see.
Quite right too. 👍 👍
Well done!:):)
And sad to see the same old "fob offs" coming your way.:(:(
I personally think it ought to be illegal to try and get around their legal obligations to a customer once a bit of their tat is shown to be tat.
I hope they will be taking on the costs of postage to and from of both the ols one and the new one. (Although legally ,apparently they don't have to.) ;)
That's not funny. I have met a person who suffers similarly and has a similar reaction to onions, which must be a right pain seeing as how they go into so many dishes.

Sympathise muchly.:(:(:(:(:(
(W has allergies which make eating out not much fun. There is gluten in soooo many things. Went to a pub in Scotland once, she couldn't eat a single thing on the menu, had to just walk out and there was nowhere else to eat for miles around. )
I have been similarly caught out, too. Now I always travel with one of these - just in case.

Kate has put up a nessage to say she edited the pic, just like a lot of amatures photo peeps do. Problem solved.
Perhaps. If they really want to satisfy the nosey people then they must show the original photo alongside the 'doctored'one.

Personally, I have no interest, I believe her health is her business and not something to be plastered all over the media.
In a world full of anger and pain, wiv multiple zones of conflict, famine and disaster, eye fink its sad to see kate's photo mods headlining the news from so many oot lets. One has to wonder wots more important in life.
Standard procedure for a guvmint doing something dodgy and sweeping it under the carpet; get a bit of trivia of widespread interest into the headlines. Take the focus off the dodgy business for a while.

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