I do too, it's a big bugre an all, I even have one of those magnetic wristbands.

But, typically it is full of stuff and sits in the left hand rear locker.

Rolleyes doesn't cover it really!!!

Typically I would use it for small bits. But for things as big as wheel bolts etc I just park them in a"safe" place.

This is only the second time in my life I lost a locking wheel nut socket.

The other time it was for the D1 300tdi. I searched like mad, even raked up all the gravel, sifted through it and put it all back. Bought a noo one and a few years later just suddenly saw it sitting there on top of the gravel, not far from where I had looked, if not actually in the area. Flipped me off a bit I don't mind saying!!
A case of cannot see the wood for the tree's
Spuds are at 60 degrees C. Carrots have joined them. Got no pea's. Mince is in me other slow cooker. Fink we have 1.3kg. One large unyun finely chopped. Fink we should have bort two. Put a tin of chopped tomartoe's in as thats wot mother hippo did. Then another as eye fort it wern't enuff. Miced two oxo cubes in. Waiting for me spuds and carrots to boil now.
Spuds are at 60 degrees C. Carrots have joined them. Got no pea's. Mince is in me other slow cooker. Fink we have 1.3kg. One large unyun finely chopped. Fink we should have bort two. Put a tin of chopped tomartoe's in as thats wot mother hippo did. Then another as eye fort it wern't enuff. Miced two oxo cubes in. Waiting for me spuds and carrots to boil now.
Garlic ? Black pepper? Bay leaf
Eye now has 5x utterly butterly pots filled wiv shepurds pie made wiv beef mince. Eye know's that be cottage pie but we has always called it shepurds pie. Cooled the mince down in two bowls wiv cold water around them before moving it to me pots. Ready to go in the freezer now. Eye ran oot of mash so eatid the leftover beef for tea. Pots are filled to the top wiv meat and mash 50:50. Eye is happy wiv that. Just put some chips in me air fryer.

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