Wbak were 39%. Other two were 42%. He's insured for 20k sovs which is nearer the price yerd haft to pay to buy him on the market. 42% ones are offering just over 15k sovs.
No surprises there then!
These companies bank on people being willing to lose a heck of a lot of dosh just to not have the "trouble" of selling their car via autotrader or gumtree or even trading it in.
I cannot imagine for one minute any circumstances in which I would be prepared to do that.
They buy cheap then sell dear, obvs. :mad:
...that the MIL has done it again. Infuriating old bat.
Landline phone left off the hook so straight to Voicemail.
Mobile (that I pay for) not switched on/flat battery, straight to Voicemail.
But she expects my wife to go do her shopping that she hasn't told us about and we are not telepathic/clairvoyant.
So it means a trip there to get her list, then the market then back there etc. etc.
Woman's a right pain in the bum.
Mornin all!
Got a surprise delivery from Waitrose this morning!:stars:
W had booked a slot on the wrong day, so it just delivered the basics which fortunately we needed........but still!
I asked the driver if this had happened to him before. "No!" quoth he! :rolleyes:
So she is now doing a second order for tomoz!
I am currently "heated" again! Why? Bloody tech!! Grrrr! :mad::mad::mad:
My android phone, Alcaltel 5099y system 8.0 refuses to send emails with photos attached, it just sends them to "queued" where they stay stuck.
It has never done this before, it always worked fine before, I even tried resending one like one I'd sent earleir, no fl;ipping chance.
But it will send emails with texts.
As you'd expect I have googled it but either their "help" is no help, or i don't understand it. The system has been updated the apps have been updated.
Do I go and pay some mush to fix it or simply throw it as far as I can?
I'd understand if I had somehow got into it and mucked around but no, from one time to the enxt it simply does this. Might as well go back to my ancient, flip open, Motorola with its little antenna and NO camera. I keep it for emergencies and it works fine.
Two days ago i spent an afternoon trying to get my MyBookLive to work, which had suddenly ceased to do so. Again to no avail. Now this.

i think some old witch must have put a curse on me in a former life. :mad::mad::mad:

Have a nice day folks!:):):)
...that the MIL has done it again. Infuriating old bat.
Landline phone left off the hook so straight to Voicemail.
Mobile (that I pay for) not switched on/flat battery, straight to Voicemail.
But she expects my wife to go do her shopping that she hasn't told us about and we are not telepathic/clairvoyant.
So it means a trip there to get her list, then the market then back there etc. etc.
Woman's a right pain in the bum.
So how do you know all this? Did she phone you? Can she not dictate the list over the phone?
Before the days of mobile phones I can remember my old dad having the habit of not putting his phone back properly on the cradle. So I, nor anyone else, could ring him.
And he was 65 miles away. I'd have had to send him a letter saying "Hang your phone up properly you silly old sod!"

Hope you manage to get her better trained. Isn't there a neighbour who could pop in and check on her?
...that the MIL has done it again. Infuriating old bat.
Landline phone left off the hook so straight to Voicemail.
Mobile (that I pay for) not switched on/flat battery, straight to Voicemail.
But she expects my wife to go do her shopping that she hasn't told us about and we are not telepathic/clairvoyant.
So it means a trip there to get her list, then the market then back there etc. etc.
Woman's a right pain in the bum.
I fully understand what you are feeling like about this BUT remember, she is a very ancient model with a brain now well into decline. She is doing her best with the facilities she has left. Give her credit for still being able to cope as well as she does especially as she is still living independently.
I suggest you vent your frustrations on the other members of her family who need to share the responsibilities - daily not just when they think the old dear is going to reward them. Age comes to us all! I just wonder who will be first to get there when she does pass on!!!!!! It happens in many families, my own included.
Sorry to be so blunt but this is what happens as age takes away the normal functioning of the brain. Patience as well as 'grin and bear it' is needed by ALL the family.
Afternoon all, I should have taken some pics of my lovely welding but I didnt so tough its painted over now.
Just under 3 meters, new roll of wire & a full bottle of gas meant no hold ups. Till now as now I need to go on
a wee trip to look at a flooded rib boat which wont start. Aye flooded as in under the water 🤣 🤣
Afternoon all, I should have taken some pics of my lovely welding but I didnt so tough its painted over now.
Just under 3 meters, new roll of wire & a full bottle of gas meant no hold ups. Till now as now I need to go on
a wee trip to look at a flooded rib boat which wont start. Aye flooded as in under the water 🤣 🤣
Don't forget your bicycle puncture repair kit!

I fully understand what you are feeling like about this BUT remember, she is a very ancient model with a brain now well into decline. She is doing her best with the facilities she has left. Give her credit for still being able to cope as well as she does especially as she is still living independently.
I suggest you vent your frustrations on the other members of her family who need to share the responsibilities - daily not just when they think the old dear is going to reward them. Age comes to us all! I just wonder who will be first to get there when she does pass on!!!!!! It happens in many families, my own included.
Sorry to be so blunt but this is what happens as age takes away the normal functioning of the brain. Patience as well as 'grin and bear it' is needed by ALL the family.
Yes indeed, you are quite correct. She is in decline and we have to be kind. It is just frustrating is all.
And NO, not one other member of the family steps up to do anything.

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