Another pleasant day for a landy run





He was feeling the heat today 😁
Just received an email from an HR bod at Poole council, the wimmins I had contacted re the pension problem.

On a SUNDAY?????

Anyway, totally pointless as it contained an .eml file which I couldn't open and a .dat file which on opening with Notepad presented me with gobbledegook.

I am wondering if this has been done on purpose.
So asked her to send me this again in Windows formats or by printed message via the ornery post!
Put some more nails in me fence. Naybor had the missing fevver board. Fence be finished but needs a plank across the bottom.

Eye has pulled oot all the dead plants from last year from me pots. Me loopins have reseeded em'self's again. Second year they done this. Last year eye had tomartoes and baby sunflowers. Will plant some more again. Me squirrel liked eating the sunflower heads. Burds and bee's liked em anorl. Loopins for the bee's. Eye will be mean this year. If fings dun't grow eye will plant some more.
Wot is surprisin is that the corkscrew is designed to open bots which are stood up on their ends/bases. so what about the deposits? As the bots have been rightly laid on their sides.

How are you supposed to open a corked bottle on its side :vb-confused2: well I know you could but it would make a mess Shirley.

I am a bit of a tea drinker in the am (loose leaf if available) so I know how I can sieve bits out:p.

Oh and we have fine wines here, they wanted 25lv a bottle for there’s didn’t try it. (That’s £11ish ) and I wouldn’t expect to see deposits. Now the 2L Coca Cola bottle we were given tother day yes it may get a bit gritty towards the end, but by then not sure I would care much:oops:.

How are you supposed to open a corked bottle on its side :vb-confused2: well I know you could but it would make a mess Shirley.

I am a bit of a tea drinker in the am (loose leaf if available) so I know how I can sieve bits out:p.

Oh and we have fine wines here, they wanted 25lv a bottle for there’s didn’t try it. (That’s £11ish ) and I wouldn’t expect to see deposits. Now the 2L Coca Cola bottle we were given tother day yes it may get a bit gritty towards the end, but by then not sure I would care much:oops:.

This is the reason for wine baskets!
You pick up the bottle on its side then transfer it to a basket that looks like this.
We pick them up for about €1 in the equivalent of a boot sale, we have about 6, of them some in basketware some in wire.

This keeps the deposit from moving too much. you can then decork the bottle maybe having to tilt it a little bit upward, then you transfer the bot to your hand and pour it carefully into a jug or carafe. With a light or a candle underneath the neck so you can see when to stop pouring.

The price of the wine has little to do with the likelihood of a deposit or not. It is far more to do with the volume of any particular type of wine made and the amount of suplhite put into it to aid preservation. Our wine comes from smallish vineyards we visit, taste at and buy from so almost all of them have deposits. And the longer we keep it the larger the amount of deposit.

I had to decant Taylor's crusted port when working in the trade. It was a total sod and obvs had to be done and then served to customers. We had a special wooden frame in the cellar so we didn't have to move the bottle more than a foot before we decorked it and decanted it.

You can filter wine but that is areal pain in the rear..

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