Nice Signature, I used to have a nice one but I signed my name about 100++ a day now its signed like Doctors prescription 🤣

Ghee thanks.
Very happy for you mate. I thought you had only recently retired from full-time occupation though so am surprised you are jumping back in?
If it is a stress-free and friendly environment then all power to you mate! I am sure a Summer of bike commuting will be OK by you. :D
Thanks Dan (& Stan an Kev).
Retirement is a bit of a misnomer, the old firm dumped me :)
The work I picked up helped pay the bills and a three day week is a nice thing, but on the other hand the missus picked up extra hours to keep us living the lifestyle we like and it was wearing her out. She's going to cut some hours back now.
Furthermore I've paid no tax, NI or private pension contribution since July and have ten years before I can even think about retiring proper.
So, it's been a pleasant sojourn, but I think it's time to get back in the saddle (both figuratively and actually, I miss the bike).

Off to Pastyland this morning, I've warned the neighbours that a bunch of reprobates will be coming to drink all me gin..

In other news, Ernie has sent me a hunnerd squids :banana:
Thanks Dan (& Stan an Kev).
Retirement is a bit of a misnomer, the old firm dumped me :)
The work I picked up helped pay the bills and a three day week is a nice thing, but on the other hand the missus picked up extra hours to keep us living the lifestyle we like and it was wearing her out. She's going to cut some hours back now.
Furthermore I've paid no tax, NI or private pension contribution since July and have ten years before I can even think about retiring proper.
So, it's been a pleasant sojourn, but I think it's time to get back in the saddle (both figuratively and actually, I miss the bike).

Off to Pastyland this morning, I've warned the neighbours that a bunch of reprobates will be coming to drink all me gin..

In other news, Ernie has sent me a hunnerd squids :banana:
When you find the right balance it's fab. All the best to you.
Havin a brew, welded a bigger output cog on me gearbox and topped the oil up, ready for action now
I'll be makin a centre axle mount support and fixing the gearbox in later hopefully
Little Landy coming along slowly, next is gear linkage and gearlever followed by brakes and pedals
Running short of scrap steel bits so using up odd pieces, luckily it'll be hidden when the body goes on 🤔
Willit be 2dw or 4x4?

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