Where is it you stay?
Where I live
When I got the call from the Drs to say "The CAT scan says no Cancer but you do have emphysema." I was a bit surprised, as I a don't (AFAIK) yet have any symptoms, I'm not short of breath, I don't wheeze or gasp etc.
So I bought a Peak Flow Meter the same as Asthmatics, Bronchitis and COPD sufferers use to record/manage their condition.
Why? Because if you tell me I have an ailment I would really like to know the scale of the darned thing, that's why.

I have been using it to check how much puff this old fella' can muster and TBH while it does vary by time of day (as I would expect) I am actually consistently getting results that are for people 10 years younger than me.
I think it has all been a "tick-box" for the NHS program that does the scans to justify its existence as a program.
Don't get me wrong I am glad they offered me a free scan (like a lung-health MOT). But it also caused me to worry a bit about what seems to be nothing. :D
When I got the call from the Drs to say "The CAT scan says no Cancer but you do have emphysema." I was a bit surprised, as I a don't (AFAIK) yet have any symptoms, I'm not short of breath, I don't wheeze or gasp etc.
So I bought a Peak Flow Meter the same as Asthmatics, Bronchitis and COPD sufferers use to record/manage their condition.
Why? Because if you tell me I have an ailment I would really like to know the scale of the darned thing, that's why.

I have been using it to check how much puff this old fella' can muster and TBH while it does vary by time of day (as I would expect) I am actually consistently getting results that are for people 10 years younger than me.
I think it has all been a "tick-box" for the NHS program that does the scans to justify its existence as a program.
Don't get me wrong I am glad they offered me a free scan (like a lung-health MOT). But it also caused me to worry a bit about what seems to be nothing. :D
Happy for you!:):):)
After I breathed in too much concrete dust of a strange kind I was diagnosed with asthma and given one of those. I was supposed to monitor myself.
Gave up after a while although I do have inhalers I very rarely use them, which is prolly wrong but hey....that's me!
Anyway got called in for a check up not that long back, blew the thing out of the park. So that was good.
But occasionally I get a tight chest mostly when laughing or coughing.

It is what it is.

So I hope you get to the bottom of it.
Best of luck mate! :):):)
When I got the call from the Drs to say "The CAT scan says no Cancer but you do have emphysema." I was a bit surprised, as I a don't (AFAIK) yet have any symptoms, I'm not short of breath, I don't wheeze or gasp etc.
So I bought a Peak Flow Meter the same as Asthmatics, Bronchitis and COPD sufferers use to record/manage their condition.
Why? Because if you tell me I have an ailment I would really like to know the scale of the darned thing, that's why.

I have been using it to check how much puff this old fella' can muster and TBH while it does vary by time of day (as I would expect) I am actually consistently getting results that are for people 10 years younger than me.
I think it has all been a "tick-box" for the NHS program that does the scans to justify its existence as a program.
Don't get me wrong I am glad they offered me a free scan (like a lung-health MOT). But it also caused me to worry a bit about what seems to be nothing. :D
They need to do this lot to be sure.
  • Several tests are needed to diagnose emphysema including chest X-rays, pulse oximetry, spirometry and other pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas test and electrocardiogram (ECG).
When I got the call from the Drs to say "The CAT scan says no Cancer but you do have emphysema." I was a bit surprised, as I a don't (AFAIK) yet have any symptoms, I'm not short of breath, I don't wheeze or gasp etc.
So I bought a Peak Flow Meter the same as Asthmatics, Bronchitis and COPD sufferers use to record/manage their condition.
Why? Because if you tell me I have an ailment I would really like to know the scale of the darned thing, that's why.

I have been using it to check how much puff this old fella' can muster and TBH while it does vary by time of day (as I would expect) I am actually consistently getting results that are for people 10 years younger than me.
I think it has all been a "tick-box" for the NHS program that does the scans to justify its existence as a program.
Don't get me wrong I am glad they offered me a free scan (like a lung-health MOT). But it also caused me to worry a bit about what seems to be nothing. :D
So to confirm, yer gerrin a good result from a puff meter?

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