He got it cheap cause it wasn't charging plus a few other little niggles, wire to alternator broken !
Depends on what you call cheap!
I couldn't believe what I got for my old one which was a rusty wreck. Albeit with an MG Metro engine in it.
They do go for a ton of money.

But lovely to get one cheap with such a tiddly little fixes needed!:vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:
Trying to calm down here, having received another letter from the Teachers' Pensions.
I don't like being dictated to and talked down to because I ask them awkward questions which they either can't answer, don't know how to answer or refuse to answer.

Still some good news. Turns out that W made a mistake and her opera visit was for the same date but in March, so she'll be able to go!!:vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:
Tested Disco and all is fine so I'll be able to rebook the MOT.
W won two out of her three lots at the auction including a biggish opal in a small ring for far, far less than the value of the opal. So she is happy.
I didn't win the watches, they went for nearly three times my commission bid.
Have a good day folks!!:):):)
Depends on what you call cheap!
I couldn't believe what I got for my old one which was a rusty wreck. Albeit with an MG Metro engine in it.
They do go for a ton of money.

But lovely to get one cheap with such a tiddly little fixes needed!:vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:
Got it for 4k, all floors like new and no rust or welding anywhere, new wheels and tyres, 1300 engine and the engine bay is like it just left the factory. I think it's been reshelled cause it was once a race car.
Me not mad at all 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Born into a period of time where Lager was seen as a drink for pooftas, even though much of the beer at the time was top gas rubbish.
Seen by many as acceptable in the summer, then attitudes changed.

(Also it was quite a bit more expensive.)

CAMRA saved British beer and now there are sooooo many varieties of decent beer to drink, micro breweries etc although Covid din't do them any favours. But Ale is an acquired taste. I started drinking brown and bitter and slowly moved to a straight pint.
But if you have got to your age and Stella is all you'll drink then that's your party!
Nice cider is a great drink. But again, has to be decent stuff. :):):)
light & bitter mild & bitter brown &mild light & mild remember the first larger on pumps Heineken die of thirst before it was pulled 20 mins for the bubbles to go down
Me not mad at all 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Born into a period of time where Lager was seen as a drink for pooftas, even though much of the beer at the time was top gas rubbish.
Seen by many as acceptable in the summer, then attitudes changed.

(Also it was quite a bit more expensive.)

CAMRA saved British beer and now there are sooooo many varieties of decent beer to drink, micro breweries etc although Covid din't do them any favours. But Ale is an acquired taste. I started drinking brown and bitter and slowly moved to a straight pint.
But if you have got to your age and Stella is all you'll drink then that's your party!
Nice cider is a great drink. But again, has to be decent stuff. :):):)
Larger and lime
Larger and lime
Or "lager top" or lager and lemonade/lager shandy.
Which shows it was disgusting to drink on its own!!
Still tastes soapy to me. And I am forced to drink it in Fland. But Belgian stuff is a lot better.
When it is hot and I need a long drink I "panacher" it with lemonade, don't l;ike it much but at least I keep a relatively clear head, and it makes it a bit palatable.
A lot of what I have just posted seems self-contradictory, but needs must!
Or "lager top" or lager and lemonade/lager shandy.
Which shows it was disgusting to drink on its own!!
Still tastes soapy to me. And I am forced to drink it in Fland. But Belgian stuff is a lot better.
When it is hot and I need a long drink I "panacher" it with lemonade, don't l;ike it much but at least I keep a relatively clear head, and it makes it a bit palatable.
A lot of what I have just posted seems self-contradictory, but needs must!
Adams bitter and schwepps goes down a treat with fish and chips at the beach. ❤️

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