Evening all, I put the yard managers nose out today....We both had a manitou & both of us were told to move the
massive digger buckets (unknown to me as the time) as I was asked to do it and had already moved one of them
but as I was driving in to fork it up he pushed it and straightened it up , so it thinking I would have a bit of a laugh
I turned out to get the angle then in & lifted it with one fork he went mental shouting oh bugger this bugger that
(words changed for the benefit of forum) ive had enough of this place & drove off in the huff oh how I laughed. 🤣🤣
Think he's a bit peed off. I feel bad now ive upset him. :confused:

Aye right 🤣🤣🤣
... please arrange for me to be locked away where I can do no harm.
I found myself out in my little workshop with WD40 and a 3M scouring pad.
The Prat Bernerd 3-Jaw chuck is no longer the tarnished "bronze" colour but a pristine shiny metal colour.
All the jaws were removed and similarly scoured clean.
Clearly, this is an early symptom of dementia and I need some intervention before I do the same to the 4-jaw chuck. :D
Sad thing is that I have made nothing with this new machine yet.
I likes cleanin stuff up anorl.. 🤪
Is ferrapootic..

Was thinking more.................
... please arrange for me to be locked away where I can do no harm.
I found myself out in my little workshop with WD40 and a 3M scouring pad.
The Prat Bernerd 3-Jaw chuck is no longer the tarnished "bronze" colour but a pristine shiny metal colour.
All the jaws were removed and similarly scoured clean.
Clearly, this is an early symptom of dementia and I need some intervention before I do the same to the 4-jaw chuck. :D
Sad thing is that I have made nothing with this new machine yet.
Do you oil the bits or something afterwards to stop em gettin rusty again?
Do you oil the bits or something afterwards to stop em gettin rusty again?
Yes, a light wipe with oil.
What was on there was a mix of baked-on over time dried oil and rust; leading to a dirty-browny-yellow colour.
Scrubbed it all off and now they are steel coloured once more and looking pretty "spiffy". :)
The chuck cannot have had too much use because it runs true within about 3 thousandths of an inch after 60+years. :D
So, despite the weather, today was a good day, with just one tiny hiccup.
Got to Bath in plenty of time, walked to the material shop .....
Which wasn't there!:eek:
Peeps in the wool shop said the wimmins who ran it had retired.:( So W couldn't buy what she wanted.
Not really a big problem, there is a really huge material shop, like a warehouse, near us in Frogland so she will wait for that.
Meal was lovely and I got a free cheese platter as we were celebrating my buffday!;) They even lit a candle and putit in a piece of cheese! 🤣🤣

Play was very dark, "And now there are none" Agatha Christie, but well set, directed and acted. There were some funny bits and I didn't work out whodunnit till we was told. So it was fine.:):):)
On the way back we drove through a really deep puddle, a tiny wee bit worrying for a micro-second. Very pleased we had new tyres on .
The pressure transducer had arrived by the time we got back as well. (I think, ain't opened the box yet!);)

Dogs had left us quite a few "presents" us having left them for 9.5 hours. Worse than sometimes but still not too bad. ;)

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