Thats a shame then. It wont get rid of them oft the road like what some reports suggest. This one defines the rules betterer and the new costs:

It will probably reduce the number of people using them as a company car. But won't stop companies using them, with the drivers not being allowed to have private use. Much the same as most commercial company owned vehicles. I once worked with a company who had trackers fitted to their vans. If an employee used "his" van outside of work ie at a weekend, he would get a call from the plant manager warning that the employee would be reported to the HMRC. Employees had the option to have beneficial use, provided it was above board. I suspect the company took this approach as they had been officially warned by HMRC in the past.
Despite East Dorset being so flat we ares still at 21 metres above C level, which is more or less OK. o_O
When I was a resident in the UK was near the fens east Anglia Good pike and zander fishing well my family was in the dooms day register that's why we have webbed hands and feet but if thay ever turn the pumps off most of the fens will be back to marshes (Isles of Ely).
Wot a flipping far.

Sun shining, "Goody!" thinks I and W.

Out she goes to do gardening, out goes I to play with the flipping Disco's ACE.

I gets the filter out, cleaned and back in again. (No change problem still there, as I expected.):mad:
I gets the underonnet fuse box partially dismantled and the contacts all spray cleaned, leaves them to dry.
Comes in for a coffee and W starts a big panic, "I've lost my glasses!" AGAIN!
So we search the house, nowhere to be seen, quick look in the garden, again unfound.
You may remember she did this once before in the other country. :mad::mad::mad::mad: How ANYONE can have their glasses fall off their face and not notice is beyond me!:rolleyes:

So she has a drink and a think, I fume silently.
I go back to the Disco and put it all back together again, half way through she steps out waving her glasses which miraculously she has found right near where she had dug a hole and planted quite a big plant. Thank the Lord for small mercies. Intact and all!

I finish off the putting back together again. Start it up, no different. Put the Foxwell on it, no different.
Furious! Hate electrics. On modern cars :mad::mad::mad:
CBA at the mo to tidy up the tools in the back of the Disco and take it for a test drive. Would have to uncover and move W's car as well.

Such a shame as it is still nice and sunny!
W happily gardening. (minus glasses).
Hope you are all enjoying your Sundays!
All the best!:):):):)
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It will probably reduce the number of people using them as a company car. But won't stop companies using them, with the drivers not being allowed to have private use. Much the same as most commercial company owned vehicles. I once worked with a company who had trackers fitted to their vans. If an employee used "his" van outside of work ie at a weekend, he would get a call from the plant manager warning that the employee would be reported to the HMRC. Employees had the option to have beneficial use, provided it was above board. I suspect the company took this approach as they had been officially warned by HMRC in the past.
When I was a rep, after about a year I got called into the bosses office to be told, "My father (the managing director of the company) has gone mad, he says you are "wearing the car out" with your private mileage".
??????? I was doing about 10k a year.
I pointed out that this was normal mileage on any car.
He sympathised but all the other reps were older, married and didn't go out much!
A bit of a row ensued, us "parting ways" was even mentioned.

This was before the days when BIK was invented.
... that I am trying to learn CAD with Solidworks.
It has always been a mystery but the book I bought 2nd-hand has a really good teaching approach and I am at last beginning to get the hang of it.

My daughter is the manager of a Ford dealership. They've been taking a hit for quite awhile now thanks to their plunge into the icy depths of EVs.
Eye have seen a lot if commentry in the media about yhis. Ford stayed with big cars with big engines. Merkins started moving over to smaller cheaper jap type cars. Ford stuck with their ideas and sales dropped. This started before EV's. Eye is surprised some say its too late for Ford to change.
Eye have seen a lot if commentry in the media about yhis. Ford stayed with big cars with big engines. Merkins started moving over to smaller cheaper jap type cars. Ford stuck with their ideas and sales dropped. This started before EV's. Eye is surprised some say its too late for Ford to change.
They cut back greatly on EV production. It was bleeding 'em pretty badly.

Their bread and butter now are their trucks, but they can't build them fast enough.

Their cars......meh.
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