... that I have tried the RPM meter again but with no success. :(
I have tried it with the supplied magnet, a bigger stronger magnet, a dedicated 12v DC supply, a 9v DC supply and I have checked the AC ripple on these supplies (<1millivolt). The results are the same, varying inaccurate numbers, sometimes the right number, but mostly the wrong ones and often just 4 dashes on the display. The magnets are oriented right (they cause a flash on the LED tell-tale on the sensor). I have no idea why it cannot produce a steady and correct display.
Try it using a drill to see if slower revs make it work. Does the sensor need to be closer to the magnet.
Just the glass costs £300?:eek::eek::eek:
Or don't "they" sell one separately.
In my experience, it is the whole lot that is wiped out when you get hit by someone who is coming too fast and too close to the middle of the road. Interestingly, the last time it happened to me the only things left in tact were the two glasses and the indicator bulb!! The trouble is they stick out too far! And 'van man' coming the other way is NOT driving his own vehicle so he is not bothered about all the damage he causes. When you are next travelling just try and glance at the number of truck etc. drivers who try to make their mirrors obvious to all 'cos their employer (usually) is fed up haing to replace them. One might expect it to be the offside one that is vulnerable but no, the nearside one gets hit by the overhanging vegetation. Just to complicate the trouble, the whole thing is spring loaded so that it can be folded in when parking. ferry travelling etc. Hence lots of £££'s. :( :( :(
I have tried all of these combo's, it just provides random results.

Where is the sensor mounted. You have a mains cable right next to the black box. It will have 50Hz onnit as well as all the conducted harminics from itself, and all the other mains powered items in yer castle. Thats assuming the black box is mains powered. Move the box away from the mains cable. Also look inside to see if it has an earth.
Coming back from Bath in a very narrow village which has bits where you have to take turns, we got to the end of one section where a car had pulled over to let anyone else through.
Just before we got there, he hadn't quite pulled far enough over. I went past him very slowly in W's Pluriel. My mirror just touched his, no harm done, I stopped to see if he was bovvad, he stopped for a second then carried on. Most sensible thing to do under the circs, but next time I'll stop before going past, open the windy and flip it back in. ;)
Just got our crit'air stickers.
We'll stick em on inside the windscreen like we are supposed to, but we have little idea what the point of the one for the Disco is.
It just advertises "I know I am not supposed to be driving here and this proves it. ?????:stars::stars::stars:. You get fined for not having one so I suppose I'd just get charged the charge whatever it is. Maybe. Don't really know, nothing is very clear.

Luckily it appears a lot of the towns that were going to go LEZ (or frog equivalent) no longer are. A while back it was supposed to be every town that had a population of more than 150K. :eek: Now that has been pulled back from, as many of them can prove they don't have high levels of pollution. I only have to worry about it if I drive to the middle of Toulouse which I won't do, in the Disco. But twice a year we have to be careful on the long journeys to and from our place. Although I think, only think mind, that they aren't putting them on the autoroutes passing through places like Limoges or Tours. These places were on the list to go ULEZ before next year, but hopefully this is no longer happening.
Good thing the Pluriel passes, as it got a level 2.

Auction was today and W and I won everything we bid on. Jewellery of course, for 'er, a "torchere" for both of us to replace one we have that is falling to bits, and a box of watches for me with two in it that are ecodrive or automatic, the rest of the box contains perfectly good, but boring to me, quartz watches, so I'll be putting them back in together with others I don't want.

Oh and we won some pottery animals that W got for presents for someone, dunno who!
Weather high pressure gloom/boredom.
Enjoy the rest of Satdi folks.:):):)
By the way. Went to my Docs to see if I could get a Shingles vaccination like what @kevstar got.
No dice. "You have to be 70 or older"
I should live in kiltie land!!:(:(:(
Also asked for a face-to-face appt. The receptionist fell about laughing! So did I. Couldn't do much else really!
So I've got a telephone appt next Thursdi!
Also asked for the info to be able to access the practice's website for my records etc, she gave me an address and a password.
Got home and tried to log on, "Computer said no". Twice.
So should I say "1/2 out of 3 ain't bad."
Don't fink so.:(
By the way. Went to my Docs to see if I could get a Shingles vaccination like what @kevstar got.
No dice. "You have to be 70 or older"
I should live in kiltie land!!:(:(:(
Also asked for a face-to-face appt. The receptionist fell about laughing! So did I. Couldn't do much else really!
So I've got a telephone appt next Thursdi!
Also asked for the info to be able to access the practice's website for my records etc, she gave me an address and a password.
Got home and tried to log on, "Computer said no". Twice.
So should I say "1/2 out of 3 ain't bad."
Don't fink so.:(
Kev is 70 the money he saves not buying stuff because of his freebies goes towards infusions and botox Joan Collins type of thing
By the way. Went to my Docs to see if I could get a Shingles vaccination like what @kevstar got.
No dice. "You have to be 70 or older"
I should live in kiltie land!!:(:(:(
Also asked for a face-to-face appt. The receptionist fell about laughing! So did I. Couldn't do much else really!
So I've got a telephone appt next Thursdi!
Also asked for the info to be able to access the practice's website for my records etc, she gave me an address and a password.
Got home and tried to log on, "Computer said no". Twice.
So should I say "1/2 out of 3 ain't bad."
Don't fink so.:(

Dahn here it's 65 or older for the shingles vac stabs ...
Dahn here it's 65 or older for the shingles vac stabs ...
Is shingles a big problem among us more mature persons?
I had Chicken-Pox as a kid, so is it not likely I have sufficient antibodies to tell Shingles to "Foxtrot-Oscar"? ;)
And indeed in later life as an adult I have been in contact with "little darling virus labs" that have all had the pox.
Probably dodge this vaccination offer and go for a quadruple Covid instead to make sure I get dementia and heart problems. :D

..... take off, nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. ;)
Is shingles a big problem among us more mature persons?
I had Chicken-Pox as a kid, so is it not likely I have sufficient antibodies to tell Shingles to "Foxtrot-Oscar"? ;)
And indeed in later life as an adult I have been in contact with "little darling virus labs" that have all had the pox.
Probably dodge this vaccination offer and go for a quadruple Covid instead to make sure I get dementia and heart problems. :D

..... take off, nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. ;)
Shingles is a problem to anyone whether they have had chickenpox or not, in fact having had chickenpox makes it more liekly. The virus stays with you for life, and it really ain't nice and can go on for ages. A friend of ours in her very late 70s had it, it wasn't fun. I'd rather avoid it if I can. You can go blind, and no you can't just get it a little bit and wear glasses!
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