Windy again here, was in the shed for a while tonight tho.:) Space heater on had to take my hat off as eye was too hot.
Think ive got too much stuff 🤣
"Think"??? We know 🤣 🤣 🤣 !!!
How're you getting on rehanging that flipping big door in the gale?!!!! Been blown into the lock with it yet, hanging onto it like a paraglider???!!!

Seriously, don't envy you.

Only you can be grumbling about being too hot with a free space heater burning free doozil! Bet the hat you took of was free too!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
...that no call from the Motor guy today about my re-jigged 3-phase motor. :(
It is a shame but all good things and all that.

Herself was out in the garden today and I believe that she left the side-gate unsecured (something she has not admitted to yet) as she pottered between back & front gardens clearing up wind-fallen stuff and putting it in the garden recycling bin round the front. When she does this she leaves the gate open and puts a single house brick against.
Well, the wind took it and smashed it closed against the post. :mad:

She comes to me to say the gate’s broken. Well, well, well, it got all through last night ok because it was closed and latched shut, you leave it swinging in the wind and…..
I spent an hour demounting the broken gate, putting the bits back together, straightening the mangled hinges and re-hanging it.

It is a 1" thick solid T & G board gate and it weighs an awful lot. Carrying it to and fro for repair and rehanging has injured my shoulder. :(

Son's lady has had her bank account drained by hackers from India. :(
She's with Monzo bank who did not spot multiple online £15.99 transactions all from the same source. No 2-step authentication, no checks of any kind, money all gone.
They say it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, well I think you've just proved what a load of bollix that is. :(:(:(
i have lost track have no idea if the lady in question is a new nice one or one of the ongoing divorcing ones. But all that same, it stinks.:mad::mad::mad:
I was trying to remember when it was built but ive hit a brick wall...

supposed to be an "animated " gif, go on then yee barsteward, ANIMATE!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Jeez I hate tech!!!
Ooooft things we do then pay for it later, a chap today wanted gas bottles on his trailer as well as a 2 tonne pack of oxi bottles
in a frame. I got the manitou but he wanted to lift them. This lad is massive 6ft 6 n built like the side of a block of flats. He struggled to lift the bottle n I thought it must be really heavy, I jumped out n to help him & grabbed the bottle then lifted it
n chucked it on his trailer. He gave me a funny look n said wtf did you have for breakfast. 🤣

Saying that my nail gun packed in last weekend so put the reast of the sarking boards on by ye olde hammer technic lol
My elbow for the few days after was so so sore I couldnt lift a drink. :confused:

Thats mental about the bank I hope they get it sorted.
You have a "nail gun"????!!!! Flipping softy! I have several hammers but not one of those things!

(You use them for work, I know, I know, only funning!)
Mind you I know you have an Uga-Uga thing as well. I don't. Sometimes I think I'm not as soft as I think. :stars::stars::stars:
They say it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, well I think you've just proved what a load of bollix that is. :(:(:(
i have lost track have no idea if the lady in question is a new nice one or one of the ongoing divorcing ones. But all that same, it stinks.:mad::mad::mad:
This lady is the divorcing lad's new partner. Very nice he is, a real level headed mature lady, not a bimbo air-head. :D

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