Afternoon folks :) .

Just loaded the trailer and worked up a sweat so having a cuppa before decanting into the back porch, Bright sunshine here and warm in the sun:).
Looks like @Stone56 is getting what we are promised tomorrow, forecast say 8cm and a few horrible days. We will see, hopefully @Stone56 will use it all up before it reach's us;).

We've got a white out still snowing and heavier visability is 100 mt 50mm so far strong winds blizzard conditions but not to cold
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Lit the fire a little while ago around 4pm still some red embers, makes it so easy to fire up. Sun is just setting. Managed to get to 90% on our batteries so should get though for a while.

We will wait in the warm and peek out the curtains in the morning tomorrow.

Hows the fender? can you go tank mode yet :p ?

Stay warm and do nothing for a few days seems to be on your menu:).

If I put the chains on . Been through twice as bad but its further down where the bad drifts are up to 2mts high and I am not digging them just for washing powder the cat is a bit upset he wants a wee but don't like the snow been looking out the window for a hour trying to get courage for the big dash nice and snugg in house. Temperature is starting to drop now -2 at the moment sunshine forcarst for tomorrow may go for a walk at first light to se what's about . Thinking of putting up another Chistmas tree and startling again ⛄🎿
Evening orl.
That be annudder week dun, twer a bit ard but wurk be laike that. Us boys maight du a bidduv oavertaime at the weak end iffn it rains! Av bin missin us Hippo this week: he wuz shorefootid int vrosty an ice. Can’t wait until natural attrition means us av few enuff dugs tu vit int bute uv Vreelanda 2.
Went to Wandswuff as planned. 800 yds from the turn off the A3 inside the toon we got stuck in the most godawfaul jam, it took us 20 mins to go 600yds. good fing I allus leaves at least an hour in hand!
Got to t visa centre to be told our pare work wasn't in order. "I knows that" sez I, tis yur pooter sistem wot is at fault, wooden let me print un off! "
"go and sit on them there blue sofas and my manager will come and see you.
W by now having hairy babies. :(:(:(
Manager ships up, "follow me" he says so I goes with him to a pooter, logs on to the OTHER website and in a couple of clicks all is right as rain.
Lady who dealt with us was from Senegal and as soon as I started chetting to her in Frog the rest of it was all done in Frog. All OK, so back home down the dreaded A3, overtook at least 4 gritters spreading in the bright sunshine, which seemed a bit weird. Maybe the councils are avoiding overtime!
Once it gets to the Noo Forest there is a continuous jam all the way to our hoose.
So we forked off at Minstead and had a nice little jolly through the forest admiring the ponies and the lovely sunset, much betterer than sitting in a jam.
Have a good evening folks!
Went to Wandswuff as planned. 800 yds from the turn off the A3 inside the toon we got stuck in the most godawfaul jam, it took us 20 mins to go 600yds. good fing I allus leaves at least an hour in hand!
Got to t visa centre to be told our pare work wasn't in order. "I knows that" sez I, tis yur pooter sistem wot is at fault, wooden let me print un off! "
"go and sit on them there blue sofas and my manager will come and see you.
W by now having hairy babies. :(:(:(
Manager ships up, "follow me" he says so I goes with him to a pooter, logs on to the OTHER website and in a couple of clicks all is right as rain.
Lady who dealt with us was from Senegal and as soon as I started chetting to her in Frog the rest of it was all done in Frog. All OK, so back home down the dreaded A3, overtook at least 4 gritters spreading in the bright sunshine, which seemed a bit weird. Maybe the councils are avoiding overtime!
Once it gets to the Noo Forest there is a continuous jam all the way to our hoose.
So we forked off at Minstead and had a nice little jolly through the forest admiring the ponies and the lovely sunset, much betterer than sitting in a jam.
Have a good evening folks!
Glad you got it all sorted so have you got to do it every year or is this one longer term . But still a lot of a wast of time and money compared to be for brexit😠
Glad you got it all sorted so have you got to do it every year or is this one longer term . But still a lot of a wast of time and money compared to be for brexit😠
Yes we have to do it every year.
The opera isn't over until the fat lady has sung!
Each year it is different and they can ask different questions.
This time the lady queried our possession of a house in France as I put forward the notaire's statement covering the sale of the land to us and a bill for local taxes on the land, the pool andf the house we subsequently had built. There are tow types and the one I put in concerned the size of the property, the number of rooms etc. I did point out that we weren't going there to camp on our land, and that the same paperwork had been accepted last year. She was actually very nice and she did point out that W's signature needed to match the one in her passport, which was a lot more "careful" i.e. not just the first letter of her surname followed by a squiggle!
So, if they accept the dossiers, as they have done the last two years, then we should get visas after about 2 weeks.
We thought we would have to do this every year until at the end of last year France debated a very controversial immigration bill, to update the original situation. It was hotly argued as, just like here, peeps want to be fussier about immigrants and yet make it easier for the sort they want to get in. It passed in the end, but the far right had to join with Macron to allow it to go through. Since then there have been resignations including the prime minister.
BUT, and this is what matters to us, a few French MPs had put forward various amendements to make it easier for people like us who own homes over there, to go and enjoy them for 6 months a year without all the ballache of the visa system, and the expense. These were taken on board and debated. At least one was accepted and so we are hoping that by next year we won't have to go through this whole rigmarole and could maybe just go there showing a piece of paper or two proving we own a house, when we pass through immigration. We will see!

As you say, before Brexit we could have come and gone as we pleased, and they never stamped our passports, so they didn't even know when we'd gone in or out.
Went to Wandswuff as planned. 800 yds from the turn off the A3 inside the toon we got stuck in the most godawfaul jam, it took us 20 mins to go 600yds. good fing I allus leaves at least an hour in hand!
Got to t visa centre to be told our pare work wasn't in order. "I knows that" sez I, tis yur pooter sistem wot is at fault, wooden let me print un off! "
"go and sit on them there blue sofas and my manager will come and see you.
W by now having hairy babies. :(:(:(
Manager ships up, "follow me" he says so I goes with him to a pooter, logs on to the OTHER website and in a couple of clicks all is right as rain.
Lady who dealt with us was from Senegal and as soon as I started chetting to her in Frog the rest of it was all done in Frog. All OK, so back home down the dreaded A3, overtook at least 4 gritters spreading in the bright sunshine, which seemed a bit weird. Maybe the councils are avoiding overtime!
Once it gets to the Noo Forest there is a continuous jam all the way to our hoose.
So we forked off at Minstead and had a nice little jolly through the forest admiring the ponies and the lovely sunset, much betterer than sitting in a jam.
Have a good evening folks!
Shouldn't sit in jam you will get sticky.

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