Well, the wee grand-dottir (who's sadly a rather big lassie for a 7YO) is suffering from facial tic's, inappropriate behaviours and vocal patterns (growling animal noises) may not be quite the shilling. Having dopamine enhancing tech shoved at her to fulfill her need for attention instead of real human contact and attention may be a factor (ask her Mum who takes the easy way out all the time).
I despair.
Poor girl
Not on your feet you don't
oh yes we do -----

Yer right its feast or famine, the way I worked it was......

busy in late Autumn to November, Boats out the water.
December off & Holiday in January for a few weeks.
Busy feb, march, April & May. Boats back in the water.
June, July August off, until someone broke down or crashed lol

Now its busy all year :stars:
normally there is a panic rush before Christmas as people want stuff fixed as they have family coming then jan/ feb quiet as they have no money left then things pick up, but the last few years have been hit and miss as people are cutting back.
Well, the wee grand-dottir (who's sadly a rather big lassie for a 7YO) is suffering from facial tic's, inappropriate behaviours and vocal patterns (growling animal noises) may not be quite the shilling. Having dopamine enhancing tech shoved at her to fulfill her need for attention instead of real human contact and attention may be a factor (ask her Mum who takes the easy way out all the time).
I despair.

My good mate just along the road has a son who growled like an animal for years, only while he was on his trampoline :oops:
His wife would let him bonce about on it with no clothes on (so my mate told me)
Our other neebs thought they had growly dog since they moved in lol.( 3 years at the time) It was really annoying & they wouldnt say anything to him as they though he was a tad autistic. (turns our now he has) He tried to get him to go out on his bike & come down the garage but no his misses would let him wear a fairy dress & tiara n bounce about in that ffs I couldnt hold my
mouth one day & said ffs mate he's a lad yers misses wanted a wee lass n shes wasting his brain, get him into sports & take him
to the gym n spend some time with him. Now he's stopped the animal antics & loves the gym n swimming hes not quite right
but just need a wee bit of patience & guidance. :):)
So, today went to Barff for the theater. Yep the Merkin one.
Saw The Circle by Somerset Maugham, which was funny and a wee bit thought provoking.
W drove both ways. She did OK even though she "hates driving in the dark". Even managed to cope with a near miss when some complete pratt overtook oncoming traffic, so completely on our side of the road, in the dark. I haven't had to cope with a near miss, head on collision like that in years! She didn't even hammer the brakes and screech to a stop nor nuffin, just cooly gave him the room he needed and carried on, ffing and jeffing a bit!

Tomoz off to Wandswuff for hopefully our last visa interview ever.

Thumb joint still painful, but apparently this is a common side-effect of steroid injections.
Sleep tight folks!
Well, the wee grand-dottir (who's sadly a rather big lassie for a 7YO) is suffering from facial tic's, inappropriate behaviours and vocal patterns (growling animal noises) may not be quite the shilling. Having dopamine enhancing tech shoved at her to fulfill her need for attention instead of real human contact and attention may be a factor (ask her Mum who takes the easy way out all the time).
I despair.
The majority are like it now thay live in a parallel universe that is operated by buttons and run by batterys the new parents

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