...Note to self: That that was a silly move you old duffer.
I moved my workbench from one side of the workspace to the other on my own while everyone was out.
It's a really heavy item. I emptied my drawers (ooh-err matron) and that helped a bit.
But It still felt like I was shifting my heart/lungs and other assorted giblets as I inched it across the tiny space and through 180 degrees.
I am hoping to be able to stand up straight by Monday and stop drooling uncontrollably by at least Thursday.
The incontinence? I am not too sure when that will stop though.
Pills have been taken. :)

Oh no thats no good ive seen the mess snails leave :oops::oops: Sorry I hope you dont pizz yourself laughing ;)

Only kidding I hope you recover soon. Best wishes. ;)
...Note to self: That that was a silly move you old duffer.
I moved my workbench from one side of the workspace to the other on my own while everyone was out.
It's a really heavy item. I emptied my drawers (ooh-err matron) and that helped a bit.
But It still felt like I was shifting my heart/lungs and other assorted giblets as I inched it across the tiny space and through 180 degrees.
I am hoping to be able to stand up straight by Monday and stop drooling uncontrollably by at least Thursday.
The incontinence? I am not too sure when that will stop though.
Pills have been taken. :)

Should have used a lathe push ...

See item on the left, we have them at out work for shoving stuff ...
Looked at the weather last night...said we might get some light rain or snow, was nice n dry when I got up had a coffee ect
then went to go do some wood work on the garage errr it started snowing a little ah thats ok within minutes full on snow bomb
:mad::mad: Went to the shops hardly any cars on the road apart from a few stuck on hills & in bushes. ooops
Mostly gone now cause it rained :(
Looked at the weather last night...said we might get some light rain or snow, was nice n dry when I got up had a coffee ect
then went to go do some wood work on the garage errr it started snowing a little ah thats ok within minutes full on snow bomb
:mad::mad: Went to the shops hardly any cars on the road apart from a few stuck on hills & in bushes. ooops
Mostly gone now cause it rained :(

Don't knock it, yer dunt want it settling till April
I'm sure with your persuasive skills you can acquire one

Got boats in the yard I can use but I dot like to, as when they break doon yer got to fix em, There is a nice boat that the owner
wants to scrap cause its too expensive for him to pay to get the floor replaced got twin 5L v8 petrol's in it lol ive been thinking
about fitting 2 transit diesels & doing the floor myself. Cant get cheaper than free 🤣🤣 Only considering it might be too much
but I hate seeing things getting scrapped.
Got boats in the yard I can use but I dot like to, as when they break doon yer got to fix em, There is a nice boat that the owner
wants to scrap cause its too expensive for him to pay to get the floor replaced got twin 5L v8 petrol's in it lol ive been thinking
about fitting 2 transit diesels & doing the floor myself. Cant get cheaper than free 🤣🤣 Only considering it might be too much
but I hate seeing things getting scrapped.
Just do it then sell it later
Whats everyone doing tomorrow night then, we are off to my neebs for a pizz up n some food I got a bottle of rum for
me n mate & the misses said why are you only getting one bottle, me = eh is that not enough....mmm aye right you pair
will have that done in an hour :oops::oops: I blame him he blames me 🤣🤣

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