God help us a bit of paper isn't real life 😯😯😯
Which is the whole point I am making!!!!

(Nor all the papers he has written either.)

But materials science is still important and without brains like his we would not have the amazing stuff we have now, like carbon fibre which is proving so useful in joint surgery apart from other things. Even though it takes those who are hands on to make it and perfect it.;)
Mate... I got new seat runners!! cost me £270 for a set off ebay found someone listed them a day after i got 1 second hand one for £25 (it was shot, so needed refurbing anyway!)..

But I fell into the realm of doing other stuff first.. i was like "ok I need to secure the battery for MOT.." then this happened.. (images) £900 later, tray, split charger, new batteries, ton of 250amp cable to hookup

Then this morning I was like well if I've done all this work I might as well put down some form of rubber flooring.. so £600 later on ebay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334818623164)

Now I'm debating to order some sound proofing as well..

so tldr.. not yet but "soon".. apparently i've taken up the whole garage now with defender parts.. casually 2 seats.. window screen.. old parts etc
Glad to hear you are sorted as regards them. And all the other stuff you have been doing.:):):)
...Note to self: That that was a silly move you old duffer.
I moved my workbench from one side of the workspace to the other on my own while everyone was out.
It's a really heavy item. I emptied my drawers (ooh-err matron) and that helped a bit.
But It still felt like I was shifting my heart/lungs and other assorted giblets as I inched it across the tiny space and through 180 degrees.
I am hoping to be able to stand up straight by Monday and stop drooling uncontrollably by at least Thursday.
The incontinence? I am not too sure when that will stop though.
Pills have been taken. :)
...Note to self: That that was a silly move you old duffer.
I moved my workbench from one side of the workspace to the other on my own while everyone was out.
It's a really heavy item. I emptied my drawers (ooh-err matron) and that helped a bit.
But It still felt like I was shifting my heart/lungs and other assorted giblets as I inched it across the tiny space and through 180 degrees.
I am hoping to be able to stand up straight by Monday and stop drooling uncontrollably by at least Thursday.
The incontinence? I am not too sure when that will stop though.
Pills have been taken. :)
Rest up
...Note to self: That that was a silly move you old duffer.
I moved my workbench from one side of the workspace to the other on my own while everyone was out.
It's a really heavy item. I emptied my drawers (ooh-err matron) and that helped a bit.
But It still felt like I was shifting my heart/lungs and other assorted giblets as I inched it across the tiny space and through 180 degrees.
I am hoping to be able to stand up straight by Monday and stop drooling uncontrollably by at least Thursday.
The incontinence? I am not too sure when that will stop though.
Pills have been taken. :)
You are prooving to be a very slow learner when it comes to looking after your health. :rolleyes:
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