Naybor over me road's bin fell over. It all blowed to my driveway. They dunt wash their tins oot before putting them int bin.
I'm not sure which is worst;
Wash the cans out - extra load on the sewage works and pollution to the waterways - oxygen taken from the water.
Don't wash the cans out - metal goes for scrap and extra pollution goes into the atmosphere when the remains of the contents gets incinerated.
'Er indoors has just given me a prezzy ----
I'm not sure which is worst;
Wash the cans out - extra load on the sewage works and pollution to the waterways - oxygen taken from the water.
Don't wash the cans out - metal goes for scrap and extra pollution goes into the atmosphere when the remains of the contents gets incinerated.
Eye wash me cans after doing me plates so no extra water needed. If recycling material is dirty it has less value in recycling.
I'm very pleased to hear you have a new lathe coming. What did you go for in the end?

I still think a new lathe deserves a new shed. I'm sure they'll let you squeeze another one into the back garden under 'permitted development'.
It will (if it ever gets here) be a BoxFord AUD. So it is quite small (but heavy @ 256Kg).
Shiply have failed totally, the bidder just did not understand what he was quoting for (despite all the info given) and so walked away. Very frustrating. I can't get it myself, its too big for the Rangie and I cannot lift 256Kg anyway.
Quotes are coming in at £350 to move it 68 miles. :(

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