You've probably seen it as it's had a lot of publicity. It used a variety of proxies to show, apparently, that the climate had been pretty steady for millennia (the 'handle' of the stick) and from around the year 2000 onwards there would be a rapid ascent of temperature (and by implication other climatological indicators) largely as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions (in other words, the upturned 'blade' of the stick). This is not without criticism, in particular concerns about the highly selective use of indices and the 'flattening' of well documented fluctuations in the past such as the little ice age, the mediaeval warm period, the Roman warm period, the Minoan warm period, and further back, the holocene transgression and so on. Interestingly, Mann himself has backed off somewhat from the hockey stick graph, and even says it wasn't really his idea.

Anyway, back to the hydrology of Marsh Lane. Here's an aerial photo off Google Earth Pro from 2014:
View attachment 305359 Look at that pattern of discolouration on the crops that comes up from the south and includes a bit of the field to the west of the cottage and then appears to curve back eastwards, taking in the pond in the trees, which is probably part of a former oxbow lake. Looks like a former river channel to me. The current channel of the River Avon is just to the east. So before it was all ditched and banked and cultivated the river might well have been much closer to the house.
Yep the river is very nearby. the main road is the one between Salisbury and Ringwood, so runs sort of north south, I think.
We've started on the festive chocolate cakes here:
At this time of year a lot of places have Santa to entertain the kiddywinks. Not in Glasgow…….

View attachment 305395
Well, there's a rather grim way to earn your minimum wage in the run up to Christmas. Dressed up as a Star Wars character, complete with plastic helmet. Unless they're part of the charity appeal going on in the foreground with collection buckets.
Well, there's a rather grim way to earn your minimum wage in the run up to Christmas. Dressed up as a Star Wars character, complete with plastic helmet. Unless they're part of the charity appeal going on in the foreground with collection buckets.
Yes I think they are connected to a charity. Bit scary for the kids though as darth has the full voice and breathing going on 😳
I've just been feeling a bit festive so have opened a Christmas present early. A friend has sent me this:
It's the Brooke Bond tea cards 'Trees in Britain' book. It's got all the cards too. I remember this from when I was a tree-obsessed pre-school child. It must have been around 1966 because it was before my brother turned up. Despite my parents drinking the tea, we never quite got all the cards. So it's nice to see a complete collection. My pre-school preoccupation with trees faded as I became more interested in cars and excavators, and then working life took over, so it has only been rekindled more recently. But someone obviously knows me well.
Afternoon folks :) .

Well that's the shortest day nearly done and it was bright sunshine all day.

Have booked our hotel for new years eve in the big town:).

Looked at the "mud ball" and thought really should start/drive it:( not been driven now for 3mths.

Hope everybody is about to make the most use of their Xmas hols and enjoy:).


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